From the Business Manager 

Student Awards 2022

Thank you very much to the many local businesses and families who have made a donation to our 2022 Student Awards.  This is greatly appreciated, and I am sure your donation will mean a lot to the award recipients.  If you would like to be an award sponsor please email


We are very grateful of our 2022 Secondary Year Level Dux sponsors.  Recipients of Year Level Dux from Years 7 -11 receive an Education Voucher valued at $1,000 or $2,000.  Thank you to McDonald's Echuca, Moama Bowling Club, Kagome, Colacino Family and the Mawson Family for your most generous support. We also appreciate the very generous support of Rich River Golf Club, who for the past three years have sponsored two Sports Star Awards in Primary and Secondary. 



Uniform Shop Volunteers


If you would like to volunteer for an hour or two a week, our Uniform Shop needs some additional volunteers. If you would like to know more about the role, or would like to join the friendly team of volunteers, please contact our Accounts Officer, Marlene Stapleton.


Suzanna Barry

Business Manager