Simone Crist

Literacy Leader

From Little Things, Big Things Grow

Hello everyone, and welcome to the new school year! My name is Simone Crist, and I am Literacy Leader at Holy Family. 


My role involves supporting students in small groups or one-to-one to develop their reading and writing skills. I also assist teachers by passing on current evidence-based practices to support them in their teaching of literacy.


I spent a lot of time on the holidays in my garden, tidying up and tending to the plants. I love watching the plants grow as I care for and nurture them. It makes me think of how the children we teach need our attention, care and the right environment to develop and thrive.


 I look forward to providing the care and nurturing the children I work with need to flourish and reach their full potential.


I noticed one plant in particular on the side of my house that I bought as a tiny plant a few years ago. It is now about three metres tall. From little things, big things grow!


Simone Crist

Literacy Leader