Connie Drossaert

Learning Diversity and Wellbeing Leader

Like the Waves in the Sea

Hi Everyone, Welcome back to Holy Family for 2022. 


My name is Connie Drossaert, and I am the Learning Diversity and Wellbeing leader at H.F. My role is to support students with diverse learning needs, assist teachers with implementing adjustments to enable these students to access the curriculum and promote and support wellbeing practices within the school.


When I was young, I was convinced I was a mermaid! I loved water - the local swimming pool, a river, the ocean and my mum knew that if there were a puddle after a storm, I would soon be sloshing around in it. 


I now live in a small town by the sea and enjoy walking to the beach.  If I walk to the right, there are rock pools to explore and a pod of dolphins to spot. If I walk to the left, I come to a place I have named “The Forest in the Sea.” There are massive tree trunks spread over the sand.


My niece took the photo above of me standing on one of the trunks. It makes me think that as teachers, we are like that solid trunk on the shore, and the children at Holy Family are the waves. The sea beyond is their Future.  


We watch the children grow in size and strength like the waves. Sometimes the waves are calm, while at other times, they are choppy and bring tides of challenge. Sometimes we want to pull the children into the safety of the shore, but our responsibility is to let them go just as the waves go out. We hope they become strong enough to journey in that sea through our teaching, guidance and support.  


Connie Drossaert

Learning Diversity and Wellbeing Leader