Mary Tzatzakis

Education Support Officer

Another world

Hello everyone,


I hope you are all having a great start to the New Year 2023


My name is Mary, and I am one of the ESOs (supporting students with diverse needs) at Holy Family School. My work at H.F. started in mid-last year, and I had the pleasure of working with Foundation Grade children. This was a new career change that I found challenging but extremely rewarding. I was delighted and thankful when I was offered the opportunity to continue my role for this year.


Over the Christmas holidays, a Dear Friend took this photo of me and her granddaughter sitting on my lap while I read her a picture book. When I look at this photo, it makes me think how learning really starts from the earliest of years. I see a little girl's eyes and mouth wide open, looking up with curiosity and wonder.


I believe that it's never too early to start creating an environment in which children can keep growing their imagination and develop their learning. Books are a great way to build children's language, creativity and imagination from a very early age. At this young age, children's minds are like a sponge, soaking up words and information.

I just love this quote “Books and doors are the same things. You open them, and you go through into another world” – Jeanette Winterson.


I look forward to continuing to support students at H.F. whilst learning and developing my skills in managing the behaviours of children and meeting their diverse learning needs.


Mary Tzatzakis

Educational Support Officer