Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends of Nazareth


As we come to the end of the school year I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their efforts in this unique, post lockdown year.  It has been wonderful to be meeting, learning and teaching face to face, however, we acknowledge that it has been challenging year for many.


The 2022 building project has come to fruition and the College now has better learning areas and amenities.  Most of our extra and co curricular events took place this year, allowing learning to happen beyond the classroom.  All in all, the year has been a success and we hope that we will reap the benefits in the coming months.


The end of year Assemblies are ideal opportunities to acknowledge a host of students for their outstanding achievements and excellence in academic and co curricular activities.  I congratulate each of them and hope that other students may follow their example in the coming year.


This week we have welcomed our 2023 Year 12 students as they commence their Year 12 courses through Fast Start.  I thank each of them for their level of engagement and also for the manner in which they participated in the Year 12 Retreat.  We are blessed to have such a positive cohort of students leading the school next year.


In a familiar way, this week we welcomed our 179 new Year 7 2023 students, and their families, as they attended their orientation day last Tuesday.  As always, this was a great opportunity for students from over 40 primary school to come together, overcome nervousness and familiarise themselves with their new academic environment.


In preparing for the 2023 school year a number of new staff have been employed to replace staff that are retiring or moving on to new positions at other schools.


I give the following staff members our best wishes and thank them for their years of service, and what they have brought to Nazareth College:

  • Rinku Arora - St Francis Xavier, Director of Operations, Daily Organiser
  • Emily Morris - St Bedes, Head of Health and Physical Education
  • Shelley Pendlebury - Cornish College, Head of Maths
  • Lani Riverans - Melbourne Girls Grammar, Teacher
  • Michael Ross - retiring
  • Christine Vaughan - Kilbreda College, Visual Arts, Design and Technology Learning Leader
  • Viorel Sandulache - retiring
  • Mirella Venturini - retiring
  • Dominique Crasto - end of contract
  • Diana Selir - end of contract
  • Paige Woodyatt - end of contract

We look forward to welcoming our new staff members to the College at the beginning of the 2023 school year:

  • Nicola Bailey - Maths/English
  • Joshua Cowan - Humanities/Business Management
  • Kumandunie De Silva - Learning Support
  • Sheetal Deshpande - Learning Support
  • Sarah Elijah - Drama/Media
  • Olivia Giblin - HPE/English
  • Pawel Kucfir - Mathematics
  • Leonie Lisiecki - HR Manager
  • Hayley McMillan - English/Languages/Head of House McCormack
  • Leesa Reynolds - Textiles/Food Tech
  • Rosario Ripper - Vis Com/Maths/Instructional Leader Technology
  • Aditi Sharma - Science
  • Christina Sifinos - Learning Support
  • Kamran Ebrahimi - Maths
  • Sherene Rozario - Maths/Science

These new staff members will be joining us next Monday 5 December for their Induction Day.  We hope to introduce each of them in person at the beginning of next year.


In concluding, I thank all families and students for their continual support throughout the past year.  May the coming holiday period bring you peace, love and the joy of Christmas.


On behalf of all the Nazareth staff we wish you all a holy and safe Christmas and may 2023 bring you health, joy and peace.


Merry Christmas and God Bless


Mr Sam Cosentino
