Learning & Teaching

Learning & Teaching/Wellbeing/Faith & Farm

A big welcome back to our families and children! We have loved reconnecting and hearing all about our children’s adventures over their break.


Our first two weeks back have been filled with WOW (Ways of Working) experiences to help our children transition back into a collaborative learning space. We have spent time re-familiarising our responsibilities and expectations as safe and kind learners! These first two weeks have centred on our St.John’s dispositions, as the children were invited to engage in experiences that tap into their sense of curiosity, persistence, resourcefulness and collaboration.


Our children have launched themselves into Discovery, and have reignited their passions and curiosities. Some of their many creations have included:

  • Nests for Bunjil
  • Watercolour representations of their holidays
  • Hybrid (super breed) animals 
  • Theme Park and waterpark constructions
  • Orbee cakes

We are looking forward to sharing snapshots of our children’s learning and updates about opportunities for your engagement throughout the year.

This year our Learning and Teaching Team consists of:




Karen Dodemaide who is our Wellbeing leader and leads the learning and teaching of the Personal and Social Capability Curriculum and The Resilience Project.





Jordan Fry who is our Faith leader and leads the learning and teaching of the Religious Education Curriculum.





Shelly Stuart who is our Learning Diversity leader and leads our educators in ensuring learning and teaching is differentiated to ensure the growth and success of our children who require additional learning adjustments.





Lauren Davis who is our Prep Learning and Teaching leader.






Mairead Doherty who is our Learning and Teaching leader for Hub One, Hub Two and Hub Three. 






Amy Littley who is our Learning and Teaching leader for Hub Four, Hub Five and Hub Six.





Lauren, Mairead and Amy lead our educators in designing intentional teaching and targeted small group, and whole group learning experiences. They lead the learning and teaching of the Literacy, Numeracy, Humanities, Science, History, Design and Technology Curriculums. Using current and relevant pedagogical practices, Lauren, Mairead and Amy work with educators to ensure all children are being supported, challenged and empowered in their learning.


We warmly welcome you to join us for the upcoming events:


  • Friday 10th February - Five Six Hub lead our Prayer Gathering at St.John’s School at 2:30 pm
  • Wednesday 22nd February - Ash Wednesday Mass/Whole School Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church at 9.30am
  • Friday 24th February -  Four Hub lead our Prayer Gathering at St. John’s School at 2:30 pm
  • Thursday 23rd February - Family Faith Reconciliation Night (For the children making their Reconciliation only)

  Further communication will be sent out regarding Family Faith Reconciliation Night



See you all at the Welcome Picnic at 5:00 pm on Tuesday 21st of February!