Junior School

Prep AA  1/2PB  1/2NP

Prep News

Hello families, hoping you all had a beautiful long weekend and soaked up all the sunshine!


An update from us in the Prep room, we are having a beautiful and calm term. Our social relationships are starting to flourish and peers are starting to understand

 one another a lot more. We are finding new friendships and this has been wonderful to see as everyone develops throughout the year. This term we have been learning about our community, our peers and our families. We have had opportunities to look around our community using both digital technologies (ipads and on the interactive whiteboard) and in person by taking our bus trip to swimming a few times during the week. We have been applying our 

learning by spotting the symbols for the Police and CFA and seeing what other community groups we can spot on the way to and from swimming.


The children have loved starting swimming this term, it has been perfect weather and students have found it great to take on a new challenge. Students were put into capability groups and now have

 begun their swimming programs. It has been amazing seeing how well our Prep Students can care for their own bodies and their belongings through this process, they should all be really proud of themselves!


In literacy, we have been focusing on our digraph sounds (two letters that make one sound) and using these in our writing. We have been continuing to read every day and using our amazing sounding out strategies to help us with tricky words! In Numeracy, we have been focusing on fractions and division, looking at language like whole, half and quarters. Students have been trying their absolute hardest everyday and it has been great to see considering

 it is almost the end of the year.


This is all from me for now, hoping you are all having a good end of year and as always do not hesitate to reach out if you need me!


Miss A.

1/2 News

Hi everyone! We have been super busy in the 1/2s over the past 3 weeks.

Students have been identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and

 pronouns in texts. They have also been working on syllables and reading with the question in mind. Students have begun poetry writing which will continue for the next few weeks.


Students have been learning about fractions using a pizza theme of whole, halves, quarters and eighths. This has lead onto finding the cost

 of individual ingredients and then the whole pizza. We have been playing maths games before going swimming at 12 o'clock.


In science, students have been learning about the different states of matter - gas, liquid and solid through experiments. 


Since our last newsletter we have enjoyed a mini fete run entirely by the year 6 students, a jungle themed disco (thanks PFA), we've started swimming (thanks Mrs. Waldron) and chosen our concert songs! Phew - that's a lot!


The 1/2 Team