Principal's message

Farewell celebration for Ms Lawson

As you are aware Ms Lawson is retiring from teaching at the end of this year. 

We will be holding a farewell assembly on Friday 8th December at 9.30am, in the school hall. This as our opportunity to say thank you and wish her well as she retires. 

All parents are invited to join the students and staff to celebrate her time here at Peakhurst PS. 


Kindergarten Transition

In the last few weeks, the 2024 Kindergarten students came in for their transition program. The excitement on their faces were priceless both within the classrooms and when meeting their Kindergarten buddy for next year.


We can't wait to see you all next year, welcome to the PPS community!

Support Unit class reclassification

We are seeking feedback to the proposal to rebadge one of the IO (Intellectually Moderate) Support Classes to a Support Class IO/AU class from 2024 - (Intellectually Moderate/Autism Spectrum). 


The school has been working extensively with our local Learning and Wellbeing - Direct Support Team who provide consultation and advice around appropriate adjustments for students with additional needs.


One of the conversations we have had during Term 4 is to rebadge one of the Support Classes IO (Intellectually Moderate) to an IO/AU (Intellectually Moderate/ Autism Spectrum) class. We currently have a high proportion of the students in the existing SCIO class have a dual diagnosis of IO/AU.


This rebadge of one of the Support Class IO (Intellectually Moderate) to a Support Class IO/AU (Intellectually Moderate/ Autism Spectrum) will reflect the current student population of the class and also ensure that this class will best reflect the support needs of students who are subsequently placed into the class in the future by the regional placement panel.


If there is any information you wish to share regarding this consultation period, please use the link below to share your feedback:

Classes 2024

We are currently in the process of forming classes for 2024. At this stage we will have 16 mainstream classes and 4 support unit classes. 


In 2024, PEG (Peakhurst Extension Group) classes will not be run as a separate class. The staffing ratio we receive is based on the total number of students. In 2024 we will have 16 mainstream classes, which will necessitate an increase in the number of students consistent across the stages. Students who have been part of the PEG classes previously will be clustered together, along with other students in the stage. Part of the Professional Learning for all teachers in 2024 will include High Potential Gifted Education and focus on differentiation of curriculum for all our learners. 


If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to call. 

Future planning

At this time of year, schools are very busy finalising planning details for the upcoming year. In order to assist with the planning process, we need to ensure our student information is accurate. Teaching and non-teaching positions are determined by enrolment numbers each year. In order for us to staff the school appropriately for 2024, we need to know as soon as possible if your child will not be at Peakhurst Public School next year. If you intend on moving and changing schools, please let our school office know. 


Additionally, if you intend on taking extended holidays during the summer holidays and will not be returning on Day 1, Term 1, 2024. You will need to complete an extended leave application by Week 10, Term 4, 2023. 


Before school supervision

Please be mindful that the external gates are not opened until 9am. We have had some concerned neighbours call the school office in regard to the number of students dropped off at the gates, unsupervised before 9am. If you require before school supervision please contact Attunga Out of School Hours Care.



Presentation Day

We are looking forward to seeing families next Wednesday morning at our Presentation Day where we acknowledge and celebrate our students learning in 2023. 


Mrs Wilson

Relieving Principal