Chatham Challenges

Coming up Term 4, 2023
Chatham Primary
Can you find Ancient Egypt on a map?
Do you know about Pharaohs & their crowns, pyramids, Art & the After-life?
What is the new scientific theory about how Tutankhamun died?
Who were Ra & Nut? Did families have pets? How did the Egyptian live their lives & farm in their environment? Learn how to read hieroglyphics & more in Ancient Egypt.
Chatham Challenges Application for 4th Term, 2023
This program is available for all Grade 1 - Grade 6 children who have qualified for Chatham Challenges.
The unit for fourth term commences week beginning Monday, 9th October 2023.
The unit will run for 8 weeks commencing Monday, 9th Oct, 16th Oct, 23rd Oct, 30th Oct, 7th Nov (Melb Cup Day), 13th Nov, 20th Nov and 27th Nov.
Chatham Challenges Teacher: Noel Blacker: Mobile 0409 435 396
I wish to enrol my child in the unit "Ancient Egypt” week beginning Monday, 9th October 2023.
Child's Name ______________________________________ School: Chatham Primary School
Date of Birth ________________________ Class (2023) ________
Parents' Names ___________________________________________________________________
Phone: BH _________ AH __________ Mobile ______________ Email: __________________
My child has already qualified for Chatham Challenges YES/NO
I would like a free test for my child YES/NO.
I would like my child to be tested with a fuller assessment to qualify (assessment cost $500 inc GST).
The cost of the program is $276.10 (fees $251 plus GST of $25.10).
To access the Chatham Challenges program for 4th Term 2023:
Please send the Enrolment form only to Noel Blacker; email: by Thursday, 5th October 2023.
Payment of $276.10 (inc GST) also needs to be received by Thursday, 5th October 2023
Payment: Access Re-Ed Services Pty Ltd (Chatham Challenges)
BSB 083218 Account No. 516636659
(Please include your Child’s name, Grade and School so
I know who the payment is for)
Please contact me, Pat Truscott, on mobile 0407 313 657 if you have any queries