Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr

With joyful hearts, we pray for staff member Dan Bull who is celebrating the arrival of baby Mary Sophia.


+Lord, grant us 

Courage to do right 

when doing wrong or nothing at all 

would be easier. 

Wisdom to say the right thing at the right time 

because words have the power to help or to hurt.

Faith in the goodness of humankind 

because living in doubt and fear is not as you 

meant it to be.

And most important, love, 

The kind that gives without demanding 

supports without holding too tightly, 

And understands that we are, all of us, imperfect.


Mary our Good Mother                                   Pray For Us 

St Marcellin Champagnat                              Pray For Us 

Mary of the Cross Mackillop                         Pray For Us 

Mass Times


All Saints' Day - Wednesday Morning 8:00am in the College Chapel 


All Souls' Day - Thursday Break 1 in the College Chapel (replacing Friday Mass this week)




Sunday 29th October 2023 – Matthew 22:34-40

The Greatest Commandment

When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

Gospel Reflection

Last Thursday, our staff listened to the wisdom of Fr Richard Leonard SJ who discussed his book “The Law Of Love” and why it matters. Fr Richard looks closely at Jesus’ teaching, the most important and the most demanding; “Love God and love your neighbour as you love yourself: on this hangs all the law and the prophets”. He went on to say that some people baulk at the words law and love being used in the same sentence, however, Christianity broke away from seeing the law of love as blindly following a book of rules and instead embraced Christ who guides all choices, determinations, decisions and even, sometimes duties in our lives.


The following of the law of love is not meant to be burdensome and a one-way road, but reciprocal and gift-giving. Christians believe that God was ‘emptied’ (Kenosis) in Jesus Christ: God’s love letter to the world. Embodiment of the law is in the person, the Word we follow is not in a text but in the flesh and the blood. Christianity, he states has BODY language (it is in the person), Christians are not meant to be salespeople of the Gospel, they are meant to be the sample of the Gospel. How do we at Marist College Ashgrove embody the Gospel in our lives?

Marist Leadership Summit


From Saturday until Monday, 2024 Marist College Ashgrove student leaders gathered with leaders from Marist schools across Queensland and the Northern Territory. Facilitated by Marist Youth Ministry Brisbane and Marist Schools Australia, the students engaged in formation activities aimed at developing them as responsible leaders and deepening their Christian and Marist understanding. The three days also provided an excellent opportunity for staff and students to develop relationships leading to a supportive Marist culture across different schools. Each school’s Marist hearts displayed in front of the altar for Mass in our chapel conveyed the powerful symbolism of many hearts coming together, different yet united.

Vinnies Basketball Competition and BBQ

On Thursday last week, students gathered at first break to watch a basketball game between day boys and boarders. Although friendly, there was a clear competitive spirit on both sides. Ultimately, the boarders had the win. Befitting the festive atmosphere, sausages and cold drinks were sold with the proceeds going to Vinnies. Student leaders along with other helpers managed to serve all 200 sausages expertly cooked by Fr Tini. The Mission team is grateful to all the boys who got involved and made the event possible, especially the Vinnies crew. Raising money for Vinnies and enjoying an entertaining basketball really offered the best of both worlds! As the boys in our St Vincent de Paul conference reflected afterwards, it was a positive and effective way to build the culture of the school.


Since Mr Newman spoke about Vinnies at a recent assembly, we’ve seen a wonderful increase in participation in our St Vincent de Paul conference across the year levels. We welcome any students from Years 7 – 12 who are interested in joining our St Vincent de Paul conference.  We currently meet on Thursday during the SECOND break in Room 801. 

Thursday Morning BBQ

Hungry on a Thursday morning? By purchasing a sausage in bread at our Thursday morning community BBQ, you’ll be supporting our longstanding Vinnies fundraiser. Sausages are available from 7:15am in the main yard. Our current volunteers welcome any newcomers to come along and help out. 

All Abilities Cricket Program

The All Abilities Cricket Program starts this Friday 3 November. As part of their involvement in Marist Mates Program, a group of committed Year 11s will be volunteering their Friday afternoons (4:00pm-5:00pm) until 24 November to support children with disability develop cricket skills. Along with Special Olympic certified coaches, our student volunteers will help create a fantastic experience for children of all abilities to enjoy cricket and have fun. 


All Abilities Cricket will be held at the Ashgrove Sports Fields.

If you’d to find out more about the program, visit www.valleycricket.org.au/allabilities

Auslan Course

There are two remaining sessions of the Auslan course: 4:15pm-6:00pm this coming Wednesday and next. If you’d like to come along, it’s not too late to drop into the Experimental Theatre. 


For more information about Auslan, please visit https://awesomeauslan.com.au/about-us/

Christmas Appeal 2023

The College Christmas Appeal is in its second week! 

The everyday cost of living is rising: interest rates, insurance, food and fuel are all more expensive. So many families are impacted, including many in our own college community. Acutely aware of this reality, we invite families in our community to contribute to our Christmas Appeal in a way that feels manageable. The Gospel story of the poor widow who gave two small copper coins (Mark 12:41-44) is a reminder that we are not measured by how much we give but the spirit of our giving.


Whether you choose to contribute with a gift card or make a donation by monitor, please know that your donations will be gratefully received by St Vincent de Paul and Downs and West Community Support.


Gift cards can be handed in at PC group/Primary classrooms.


Donations can be made by the Student Shop or Supporter Shop.


St Vincent de Paul supports families and individuals who are struggling providing both essentials and comforts over the Christmas period. As well as practical help for those without financial means, Vinnies also connects with people at a time that is often difficult for emotional and psychological reasons.  


Downs and West Community Support financially assists individuals and families in the Western Downs and South Burnett regions affected by drought, flood and other hardships. Currently, bushfire is a serious threat in throughout this region. The town of Tara has been badly affected with 44 homes lost in 10 days. This current disaster follows the terrible fire conditions Tara faced in February this year. The photos below show one home before and after it was destroyed by fire. Downs & West Community Support offered immediate practical and pastoral support to the family, as well as necessary items for them to get back on their feet. 

Tread Lightly 

Tread Lightly wants your old, unwanted sneakers!


Do you have shoes that look ready for the bin? Don’t throw them out! Drop them off at the Mission Office instead. 


For more information on this great initiative, visit: Tread Lightly – Together we can step into a better future​ (asga.com.au)

Stationery Aid 

The Stationery Aid MATES ministry will continue on Friday mornings in the Mission office for the remainder of Term 4.


Give your quality secondhand stationery an incredibly valued second life—don’t bin it at home! Donations can be placed in the Stationery Aid bin located outside the Studies office.


For more information visit the Stationery Aid website: https://stationeryaid.org/ 


Our valuable support of Rosies continues this term. 


The remaining 2023 dates are: Monday 6 November and Wednesday 18 November


Just email mates@marash.qld.edu.au to sign up or visit the Mission Office

Marist Youth Ministry Game Changers 

Game Changers is a comprehensive Catholic youth ministry program for students in Marist Schools from Years 7-12. journey. These tracks are grounded in the stories of Jesus, Mary, and Marcellin. Participating students are invited to undertake the following tracks across the six year levels, with the focus on each track over two years. Just email mates@marash.qld.edu.au if you are interested in this program or visit the Mission Office