Middle Unit -2/3

In Reading we have been sequencing events in a story. We looked at identifying parts of a narrative, including the character and setting introduction, narrative build up, problem/dilemma, resolution, and the ending. Students used mentor texts such as Pig the Pug and Room on the Broom to identify each part of the narrative and plotted these events on a story mountain. Students also identified the pebble (smallest problem), rock (slightly larger problem) and boulder (main problem) within these stories and we discussed how to incorporate pebbles, rocks and boulders into our own narrative stories.
We have also been identifying the perspective from which a story is written, identifying if a text is written in first, second or third person by looking at the pronouns. Children enjoyed looking at a variety of texts to identify the perspective and backed up their ideas with valid reasoning.
In our Writing lessons, we have started creating our own narrative stories. We have been planning our ideas and then using a story mountain to help us to plot them and develop our narratives using a clear five part structure. These story mountains also helped us to remember our ideas and be used as a checklist when revising our writing. This week we will be finishing our draft versions and will begin starting to create a published version that we can use to make a book. We are very excited to share our stories with parents later this term.
Recently, the Grade 2/3 students have finished their unit on Time. Students explored activities that required them to identify and explain the features of an analogue clock, as well as reading analogue and digital times. We practised recording time in both formats as well as reading the time while using the appropriate language such as, quarter past, quarter to, half past etc. Students were given an opportunity to create their own clocks to demonstrate how analogue features function and to reinforce correct time vocabulary.
Last week, students were introduced to a new unit on Fractions. This unit will focus on identifying and ordering common fractions in various representations including shape pictures, on number lines, in a collection of objects and in written and number form. The unit will focus on providing opportunities for students to recognise fractions through different materials and in real world contexts.
We have been continuing our work on coding in our Inquiry learning. Students have been working in small groups to create an algorithm which they used to code a Beebot to make it move. They also looked at the idea of debugging when faced with an error. Students then worked on Scratch Jr to make three characters have a race. They have really enjoyed manipulating the characters, and changing the speed and direction in which they move.
Year 2/3 Teachers
Mark Condon/Deb Thompson, Greer Arnold/Katie Cashen, Caitlin Hanks/Lisa Sutch, Lyndsay Adamson, Breanna Smith