WPS Community Children’s Garden

Spring has sprung!

Spring is a busy time in the Community Children’s garden – weeds to remove, winter crops to harvest, compost to spread, summer crops to plant, mulch to lay, flowers for insects to pollinate, rain, sun, hail - all at once! 


This week we had fun removing dried out corn kernels (now seeds) from the cobs of two types of corn – edible yellow sweet corn and black pop corn - and planting them. 

WPS Children’s Garden Club
Where:  Woodend Community Children’s Garden (Buckland St, Woodend)
When: 12.45-1.45pm Mondays - parent help supervising lunchtime Kid’s Garden Club
 1.45-3.30pm Mondays - parent’s gardening group
BYO: Bring your enthusiasm and desire to join in (No gardening knowhow needed). Please wear sturdy shoes, gardening gloves and weather appropriate clothing. Pre-school age children are welcome too
Sign in:

Please sign in at the Office before gardening 

(Working With Children Check required)

Contact: Nicole Middleton 0418 233 366

You don’t have to commit to every Monday. Once a month, once a term or any commitment all helps. 

Volunteer Gardening Group Facilitator

Nicole Middleton - 0418 233 366