Student Awards & Achievements

Value of the Week

Assembly 18.10.2023


For the amazing job she is doing with her reading, particularly practising her fluency and expression!


For his perseverance and focus when working on his ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’ writing piece. You’re a star, Lach!


For writing an entertaining story about Matilda and Zipp, showing your understanding of the structure of narratives by using paragraphs and chapters. Well done Mia!


For extending her vocabulary to describe the character in her narrative.


For always demonstrating a positive attitude to your learning and sharing ideas confidently during discussions. I love your enthusiasm Jasper.


For working hard to master converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers. Well done Zia!


For showing the ‘be a learner’ school value by always contributing during mini-lessons. We love your input! Well done! 

Class of the Week -  Assembly 18.10.2023
FrenchSU1 For their terrific work on their French restaurant role-plays this week.

Assembly 25.10.2023


Her excellent persistence with her writing by having a go at spelling unknown words! Great effort Eliza!


For being a kind and thoughtful friend - playing with people who have no-one to play with. You’re a champion!


For your fantastic effort creating a story including a beginning, middle and end. Well done Ollie!


For your contagious love of writing and extending yourself to learn more complex spelling words. Congratulations Lila!


For writing a creative lead for his story, using a sound a character would make. 


For working hard during Maths lessons on time and learning how to tell time to quarter past and a quarter to the hour.

MU3AlfieFor showing a wonderful attitude towards his learning and demonstrating resilience to have a go at tasks. Keep it up, Alfie! 

For demonstrating active learning skills by asking questions to clarify her thinking and extend her learning. Awesome work Ally.


For accurately segmenting the sounds in some tricky vocabulary words. Fabulous work, Soph! 


For accurately segmenting the sounds in some tricky vocabulary words. Fabulous work, Dom! 

Artist of the Week -  Assembly 25.10.2023

This week Year 4 students made mixed media collages titled ‘Scaredy Cat’.  They cut out a cat photo and placed it in a spooky room.  The students used a variety of Halloween and patterned papers, drawing, magazine images and spider web to make their pictures.  Great work year 4.

Our Star Artists are:  Palma, Cade, Sophie, Shae, Lucy, Kaylee, Charli, Josseline, Knox, Sam, Violet, Nyah, Chase & Harper.