Community News

Dobsons Uniform Shop
New Price List and Buy Early Sale Information:
The uniform shop hours are:
Monday 8.30 - 11.30 am
Wednesday 1.00 - 4.00 pm
Thursday 1.00 - 4.00 pm
First Saturday of month 9.00 am - 12.00 pm (during Terms 1 & 4 only)
* not school or public holidays
Please note: the Uniform Shop is closed due to the VCE Exams on the following dates:
Thursday 2/11/23 and Friday 3/11/23. Please call the shop on 9580 2049 or email Dobsons on
Phone number: 9580 2049
Dobsons Mordialloc
P 03 9580 2049 | E| W
Mordialloc College Second Hand Uniform site
Mordialloc College Second Hand Uniform Facebook site, this Group has been designed for the buying and selling of Mordialloc second hand uniform only. On Facebook you just need to search up the site under Groups or go to:
This is a volunteer initiative and the school has no direct involvement. We ask that you read the rules on the site before buying and selling. Any questions can be directed to the site administrator.
In deciding how to price your uniform, prices of new uniform items can be viewed through the link on the College website under ‘uniform’.
Mordialloc College 100 Year Celebration 2024
VACCA - Foster Care Recruitment
Foster Care Recruitment Team at the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) need for foster carers for Aboriginal children in Victoria. For more information: Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency | VACCA
Walks for Carers - Neighbourhood Carers Club at Mordialloc Neighbourhood Centre
The Walks for Carers - Neighbourhood Carers Club have been launched by Neighbourhood Houses Victoria to support unpaid carers of a loved one with a disability, mental illness or aged person. Our carers get together once a month at their local neighbourhood house or centre, go for a walk and chat about all things related and unrelated to being a carer over a cuppa. Our priority is improved carer wellbeing through social connection, informal peer support and information re carer services.
MyTime Frankston
MyTime Frankston is a free support group for parents and carers of children under 18 who have disability, chronic medical condition or other additional needs including developmental delay.