
Students in all classes have been working steadily to complete their soft toy sculptures.
The prep students have completed their stuffed sock birds and have almost completed their hessian bags. They learnt how to stitch a straight line and a wavy line using the dolphin stitch. Prep students will also use the over stitch to stitch the bag together. Finally, a finger knitted length will be added for a handle.
All grade 1/2 students are near completing their stuffed toy animals using hessian as their fabric. They have revisited the simple dolphin and blanket stitch to secure the sides together. They are incredibly creative and dedicated to finishing their toy. Many students are also challenging themselves further to make a buddy for their toy.
Classes 3 to 6 are using felt to make their soft toy sculptures. This fabric is thick and more challenging to work with. Students are required to use a fine sharp needle and tiny accurate stitches to secure the fabric pieces together and also consider adding decorative stitches into their design.
Grade six kids will also be working on creating their graduation teddy bears or figures. They design and make fashion clothing for their toys.
To support student learning, parents are invited to assist in the art room. You will need a current working with children check. Please sign in at the office before you come to the art room.
Arts Festival Saturday 18th November
Watch out for all the community notices coming out on compass each Monday and Friday, asking for help from our TPS community.
From the art department I need help with supporting kids in the art room with the various art activities during the festival.
Friday 17th November is festival set up day so if you are able to help, please add your name to the sign-up form or get in touch with me.
This year we are encouraging students to run festival stalls to encourage student voice. If you are able to support your child in their stall or just help out generally by offering your support please also sign up for student stalls.
Thank you,
Antoinette Vaiano