School Council

Kii TPS Community,
It's a busy run up to the end of the year. We came together to put on the referendum day BBQ with sausages, cakes and plant stall and managed to raise more than $4000, special thanks to Michelle for coordinating.
Last Friday we gathered at the Thornbury Bowls Club for Bowls'n'Beats, the weather was amazing, and people spent a lot of time outside catching up and meeting new people, there were also some sore dancing feet. Together with the silent auction we raised over $2000.
At school council we discussed our fundraising priorities. A major objective that we have been working towards is the kitchen garden project. However, the masterplan proposal will include a food preparation room that will be better than anything we could make in the shed, and while we will likely need funds to improve the garden part of the kitchen garden in the future, the construction timelines out to 2026 mean we cannot progress the project at this time. Therefore, we are planning to allocate some funds to other high priorities that we can action in the short term. This includes air conditioning for the Babajen, resources for the new STEM room and further funds for classroom literacy resources, we are currently getting quotes and consulting teachers on the required resources.
In the next couple of months, we will be planning our fundraising/social activities for 2023, now is the time to get in touch if you have a great idea and want to get involved. You can send us an email ( or let the office know.
We are also busy with consultation to get your input on the future of the school. Thank you for everyone that completed the parent and carer survey, we were pleased to see more responses that previous years and get a better understanding of school perceptions. We also used feedback on the school vision to select a preferred option going forward.
Currently we are seeking feedback on the TPS masterplan, we have held a number of face-to-face and online workshops, and the survey is open until Wednesday next week (1 November). (
The masterplan is progressing really fast and the architect will present the finished masterplan next month so now is our chance to tell them what is important and get the best outcomes for our school.