From the Principal

Next year we will be introducing STEM as a specialist subject with a dedicated and well-resourced learning space. STEM education covers the specific knowledge and skills found in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. It also covers the interrelationship between these areas, allowing learning to be delivered in an integrated way, helping a deeper engagement in the four disciplines. A strong driver for the introduction of STEM is the students themselves who have expressed a desire for the school to offer this as part of their learning and not just as a lunchtime club activity.
As well as an emphasis on science, there will be strong elements of coding and robotics in this program. Each class will have a semester of STEM, with the other semester being Music. Art/craft, Physical Education and Language and Culture specialist subjects will continue to be provided for the full year across all year levels. Josh Vella has been appointed to teach the STEM program and is really excited by this opportunity.
Planning for 2024
Term 4 is always a busy time with planning for the following year with staffing, class selections, budgets enrolments and transition activities. In the next couple of weeks, we will be creating classes for next year. We are planning for 15 classes in the following structure:
- Steiner (5 classes) – Foundation, Class 1, Class 2/3, Class 4 and Class 5/6
- Mainstream (10 classes) – Foundation (1 class)
- Year 1/2 (3 classes)
- Year 3/4 (3 classes)
- Year 5/6 (3 classes)
There are many considerations that go into ensuring classes are balanced. If families are intending to leave our school community because of relocation or other reason, could you please advise us as soon as possible. A phone call to the office, or an email to the school or my email account would be most appreciated.
The classes teachers will be teaching will be published in the next Dhumbadjirri in two weeks.
World Teachers’ Day
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) established World Teachers’ Day in 1994 to recognise the role of teachers in society. World Teachers’ Day is held internationally on Tuesday 5 October. As it fell during the school holidays, we celebrate it today, 27th October.
This day is an opportunity for staff, students and the wider school community to recognise and acknowledge the work that teachers do. Thank you to all who have reached out to their child’s teacher to acknowledge them on this day.
NAIDOC Day Competition Winner
Congratulations to Evelyn Jelleff-Wilson from Class 1 Steiner for winning the NAIDOC Day colouring in competition!