Are you ready to take flight and SOAR?!
The Arts Festival is fast approaching, and will take place on Saturday 18 November, 11am - 3pm. Here’s an update on planning for the Festival, what’s new and what to expect.
Food Stalls and sign up sheets
Each class organises a food stall at the Festival and by now you may have heard from your class carer about your class’s food stall.
Class carers have access to sign-up sheets for you to choose a time and a job to do on the day. Ask them about it today!
We still need a class carer/representative for 3/4C and 1/2B. If anyone would like to help organise the stalls for those classes, please get in touch!
Volunteering is a great opportunity to meet other parents and is always fun! Please note that if there is a financial outlay for food, ingredients or equipment, this can be reimbursed by the school, if needed, but parents can also donate ingredients or source these from local businesses if they’re able.
We’ll also have new seating areas for you to enjoy food purchased from the stalls on the day, which means you can eat in comfort!
Entry and Payments
Entry to the Festival is by a gold coin donation. There will be tap & pay facilities at the entrance and at some stalls for bigger purchases. However, be sure to bring some small change for smaller purchases.
Wristbands can be purchased at the entrance for $10 each and will allow access to so many Festival activities such as art workshops, face painting, nail and hair art, fun ball throwing games and so much more.
We’re so excited to offer even more activities this year, with the Festival space now taking up the entire outdoor school space. There’s something for everyone, from the littles to the grown ups!
There will be a mix of free and wristband activities: from student lead workshops, art room art and craft activities and a free treasure hunt. We will have a mega transformation stall and a student art/craft gallery to roam and marvel at. Keep an eye out for the Festival map which will outline free and wristband activities - this will be shared soon.
Donations of Art/Craft Material for Student Stalls
Students have been very busy designing and creating stalls that will keep kids engaged on the day. Some student stalls will require adult assistance. If your child is involved in a student lead stall it would be fantastic if you could support them on the day.
This year we are asking for donations of wool, pompoms, glue sticks, masking and sticky tape, and any material that could be used for construction. Please leave donations near the art room door.
Setting up the Displays
If you are interested in setting up art and craft displays in the Babajenon the Friday before the Festival please look out for the sign up link to offer your creative support.
The Music teachers have lots planned and are organising student performances, a Bird Call Competition and a Community Jam Parade!
More information on performance times and what to wear will be released in the coming weeks, and TIME students will hear from their teachers about when and what they will be performing.
Student Performances
All students are invited to participate in a performance with their class and will receive information about this in the coming weeks (including performance times and what to wear).
T.I.M.E. students will hear from their teachers about what and when they will perform!
Community Bird Call competition
Parents, carers, students and friends are invited to join in our Bird Call competition judged by Aawa from Walking With The Wilderness at the Arts Festival! Come with your best or favourite bird call!
Community Jam Parade
Get your instrument, voice or sense of adventure ready to join in our Community Jam Parade at the Arts Festival! EVERYONE is welcome to join in as we attempt a short musical parade to end in an all-in jam of a song. We can send parts home to you or you can learn them on the day and grab an instrument at the Festival. Stay tuned for more.
What if our family cannot attend that day?
That’s ok! We will be making music in the classroom so they won’t miss out on everything,
What if my child has a sporting commitment on that day?
That’s ok! Come when you can!
What if I cannot take my child?
Talk to someone in your child’s class to see if they can go with another family.
Do we have to stay all day?
No, but you might want to.
Are there other things to do on the day?
Lots! There will be food, student stalls and activities as well as performances.
My child has a TIME performance, will it clash with their class performance?
We do our best with timetabling so hopefully we get it right!
My child says they don’t want to perform. What should I do?
Not all students will feel excited about performing. Some will feel more confident as the festival gets closer and some will feel more nervous. We don’t want students to feel forced to perform, we just encourage them to have fun. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this.
Am I allowed to invite friends and family?
Yes, absolutely! We love sharing students’ achievements with friends and families of TPS. However, we discourage anyone from the general public with no links to the school from attending, so we can maintain the community feel of the event.
We’re really looking forward to this year’s Arts Festival being the best yet! It’s an important event that helps showcase our students’ achievements and creativity, brings together our school community for a fun day out, and is an important fundraising opportunity that helps the school purchase crucial equipment for our students.
Thank you!
The Arts festival team