Year 4/5/6 D

Junior Chef
During the second round of junior chef we were making pasta. There were 6 schools including St Mary's, unfortunately, we didn't win this time, and the school that won was Our Lady of the Rosary Kyenton. The people who went were Miles, Nyabol, Ryan and Jufuor. We had 1 hour to cook and we had 5 minutes to plan. Nyabol and Jufour made the pasta sauce, while Miles and Ryan made the pasta. At the end we still had fun.
Written by Akul and Nyabol
In maths we have been doing chance and probability. We have been analysing data and also working out probability in real life situations. This week we worked out the probability of drawing different coloured M & M's from a packet and tested our data using fractions and percentages.
We have (as always) been doing countdowns to warm up.
It has been really good, Mr D has shown us how to play dice cricket and even showed us how blackjack is designed for people to loose money! We have had lots of fun.( thanks to Mr D.)
Written by Miles Cheeseman