Year 4/5/6 B

Last week we went down to the local Castlemaine pool every afternoon. When we arrived we were asked to demonstrate a variety of strokes, such as freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. After that we were assigned to groups.
We learned how to do a safety jump, save people with noodles and kick boards and swim fully clothed. One of our instructors called Tony, taught us how to use a special type of rope called a rope bag, used for life saving.On the last session we had a boogie board relay race, it was heaps of fun.
Adam Lagman
Yesterday our class got a chance to meet a special horse named Digby. Digby is a breed of horse called a waler, that was used in WW1, but sadly many died during the war. He is also a professional equine therapy horse that goes to local schools in our region.
Jessica and Hannah brought him to our school to teach us about how horses react to people's feelings. We also learnt that horses have their own way of communicating using body language just like humans. If they lick their lips or sigh, it can be a sign of releasing stress. Charlotte O'Toole