Year 3

Grade 3 News
The grade 3 class have had a busy, productive and enjoyable couple of weeks!
Last week the students enjoyed participating in swimming lessons. It was wonderful to see them building upon and refining their swimming skills as well as having fun!
The class have been putting a lot of time into practising for the production and are to be commended for their dedication. Students with speaking roles have learnt their lines and the class song is sounding amazing! Well done grade 3! Can’t wait to see the show next week!
During writing time the class have been continuing to work on writing different styles of poems. These have included Free Verse poems, Senses poems and Belonging to Me poems. It’s wonderful to read the creative poems the students can write! They have just commenced editing and publishing a poem of their choice. Stay tuned for some of these in the next newsletter!
In maths over the past two weeks, the students have been refining their knowledge and skills in the area of vertical addition and subtraction as well as focussing on solving vertical multiplication algorithms. We have been working on strengthening our times table recall skills and have enjoyed playing mastermind and times table bingo!
In our studies of Sustainability (our term 4 topic) we have been preparing role plays in small groups based on the 5 R’s-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink and Refuse. Each group will present these to the class next week! It’s been a great opportunity to practise our communication and collaboration skills when working cooperatively with others.
We very much enjoyed our incursion with Jess and Digby the horse on Thursday. We learnt a little about Equine Therapy in the classroom and enjoyed putting this into practise at the incursion!
During our RE classes this term we have been learning a little about the history of the Catholic Church in Australia. As part of this topic we have learnt about Mary McKillop. We discussed how she offered kindness, help and compassion to those in need. Each student made their own lantern to hang up in the classroom and had the task of labelling their lantern with the phrase “My light shines when I….” There are so many beautiful ways we can make our light shine and make a positive difference in the world!
Grade 3’s love getting outside and playing sport! We enjoyed lunch in the sunshine this week along with a couple of games! More of these to come as the spring weather sets in!