Foundation /1

After a week of fun and profitable swimming lessons, we got right into a busy week of learning. This week in English we have learnt about Rhyming couplets and wrote some excellent poems using a Rhyming Couplet in a Dr Suess style. In Math, we have been learning about multiplication; creating “groups of”, writing multiplication sentences, and using numerous strategies to solve the multiplication sentences.
In R.E we were reflecting God’s amazing creation by creating our own collage of the land and sea to add to our previously made sky. The students worked so well together delighting in their creativity.
Inquiry this week we focused on learning to sort our rubbish well so that we reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill. We realised that we can do something to help care for our world and use our resources sustainably. We read a great story about frogs which inspired Albert to bring in some frogs that he had caught at home. We finished off the week with a visit from Digby the horse.