From the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,
It’s World Teacher’s Day today and I'd especially like to acknowledge all our teachers for their dedication and commitment to providing the best Catholic education for your children.
You may have siblings, parents or other family members who have been or are teachers! Call them! Thank them. I wonder if you might be able to show some form of kindness towards your child’s teachers at St Mary's. It could be a simple reflective email, note or whatever you like. It might be something your child wants to do as well. It's been a pretty tough couple of years for education professionals as you know, and teachers ongoing work to support young learners to achieve in safe and supportive environments is outstanding. Well done and thank you to all our teachers!
We are well into a very busy final term at our school and have plenty of exciting events and activities happening over the coming weeks.
School Production
Our school production will be taking place next Wednesday, with a daytime performance and an evening performance. Our students have been working hard to put on a wonderful show and we invite you to come along and support them. Don’t forget to organise your tickets from the office.
We are also looking forward to the upcoming Year 4/5/6 camp at Sovereign Hill, taking place on the 13th, 14th and 15th of November. This is always a highlight of the year for our students as they get to experience historic goldfields and learn about our country's past.
Enrolments for 2024 are beginning to be finalised. If you have or know of any families younger children who would like to enrol in our school, please don't hesitate to contact us and begin the process.
Colour Fun Run
It’s wonderful to see the support for the upcoming colour run. Make sure to get those profiles set up so that we can see you on the day! The colour run is going to be a great day and we are looking forward to seeing our school community come together in support of this.
Parent Helpers
I would like to express my gratitude for the parents and friends who are on hand every morning to help out with the serving of morning toast to the students. Once again, this is a wonderful example of how our community continues to care for all of its members. That small donation of time is such a great gift to the children of our school.
Upcoming Working bee
The summer growth has taken off around the school yard. Look out for the call in the next few weeks for a free Saturday barbecue. The barbecue will take place straight after the short working bee to help get some of the spring growth under control.
Have a great weekend.