Principal Message

Be Kind, Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, Be resilient, Be ready

REMEMBER THERE IS NO SCHOOL: Friday 3rd , Monday 6th or Tuesday 7th November!!!!

Dear Parents and Carers,


Today is ‘World Teachers Day’ however at Our Lady Star of the Sea we like to celebrate it as ‘World Staff Day’ because without each and every staff member working so closely together, we could not accomplish all we do. We are grateful for the commitment and dedication of each staff member and for the individual skills and talents they bring to the school. I receive many comments from parents and the wider community about the high quality of our staff, the compassion and understanding they show to our students, and their willingness to continue to learn to make school a safe and supportive place to be. I would also like to add how much I appreciate their openness, collegiality, sense of humor, and sense of fun, such a wonderful group of people to work with.


Today e also asked the children and staff to wear something red to celebrate ‘Day for Daniel’. The children participated in a variety of activities to help them be aware of being safe at all times. They looked at who are their safe people, what to do if they feel unsafe, and consent, to name a few.


Why do we wear red on the day for Daniel?

Participants wear red in remembrance of Daniel Morcombe who was wearing a red T-shirt when he was abducted and murdered on December 7, 2003


Where is Day for Daniel celebrated?


Day for Daniel is Australia's largest child safety event of its kind. It's held in schools, workplaces, early childhood centres, and public and private events all across the nation.

What is the message of the day for Daniel?


We ask all Australians on this very special day to Wear Red, Educate and Donate. Parents, carers, and educators are encouraged to start a conversation with children and young people about personal safety. 


Why do we celebrate Day for Daniel?


The objectives of Day for Daniel are: to educate children regarding their personal safety and empower them to 'Recognise, React and Report' when they feel something is not right. to raise awareness about child safety and protection, and to promote a safer community for children.


We ask all Australians on this very special day to Wear Red, Educate and Donate. Parents, carers, and educators are encouraged to start a conversation with children and young people about personal safety. 


What is the slogan for Day for Daniel?


The Day for Daniel is a National Day of Action to raise awareness of child safety, protection, and harm prevention. Wear Red and Educate, is it's a simple but powerful slogan



Keep smiling 

