The Junior Art Show was held on Monday 4 December. The night was a huge success and a fantastic way to celebrate the end of the year with a BANG.
The guest speaker for the event was Anthony Breslin, who has also been facilitating the Year 9 Mural Project at the East Campus. His ongoing collaboration with McKinnon Secondary College has allowed us to provide meaningful opportunities for our students to witness professional artmaking.
Anthony was also asked to select a Guest Speaker award on the night; one artwork which he felt was outstanding and demonstrated creativity and high technical competence. I am excited to announce that the recipient for this award is Jackson Robenn of 9B for his Cubist inspired artwork completed in Year 9 Sculpture. Congratulations to Jackson for this achievement!
I would also like to congratulate all of our award winners in Years 7, 8 and 9! Congratulations as well to all exhibiting students whose work was on display! The quality of work presented this year, as always impressed all. We, as a teaching team are so lucky to be able to teach and work with so many talented young artists!
A huge congratulations to Charmaine Lee from 8S, who won the Term 3 Art Competition. As the winner of this competition, her artwork has been chosen as the front cover for the 2023 Thistle. What a huge achievement!
As always thank you to all the staff and students who have worked tirelessly to make both our Art Shows successful. Thank you to the East Campus Visual Arts team Emma Butler, Maria Garcia, Tracy Griffith and Lynton Perry, as well as our Year 7 teachers Rebecca Johnson, Raphaella Roden, Jessica Rogosic and Katherine Sip.
We still have one project to look forward to this year; the completion of the Year 9 Mural which will be installed in the near future. Keep an eye out for news regarding the installation of this artwork!
Peter Eglezos
Learning Area Manager for the Visual Arts
This term, Year 10 students of Visual Communication Design worked as a collaborative design studio for their final learning task. To learn and apply stages of the design process, they worked together in groups of varying sizes to complete real jobs for a range of ‘clients’ from the school community.
Staff were invited to submit design briefs for students detailing a project they needed completing. The resulting list of design jobs included projects ranging from logos, promotional posters, web banners and social media indents, team t-shirts, landscaping and interior design tasks. Students were asked to view the resulting list of real design jobs and select a design job connected to an area of personal interest and preferred field of design practice.
Teams were formed with peers who selected the same task and these future designers engaged in a process of collaboration. Students gained valuable experience working directly with a client on a real design job, communicating effectively via email and in person with staff to reframe their initial request as a clear set of achievable design criteria.
Students navigated research with constraints and expectations in mind, critically evaluating how their use of visual language could communicate the intended message more effectively. They were guided through the careful selection of manual and digital methods, materials and media, which allowed them to demonstrate a broad range of visual communication skills relevant to their preferred field of practice.
Please enjoy this small sample of work produced by a talented crop of young designers.
Jessica Rogosic
Visual Communication Design Teacher