Wow! What a year it has been for not just the class of 2023 but for the whole of McKinnon Secondary College. So many achievements have been accomplished, so many memories have been made and so many friendships have been created. For the class of 2023, congratulations to all of you for completing your exams. It's been a very long wait but hopefully a rewarding finish as most of you are probably out with your mates having the best time of your life like I am right now.
I’m very thankful to have been a part of the McKinnon Secondary College community as they have taught me more than what’s in those schoolbooks. They taught me about how to be a respectful and inclusive person. One message that I want to leave for everyone is to just have a go and try new things. You have no idea the opportunities that will open up for you or the memories that you will make from doing so.
Around a year ago today I was just planning to be a red (Gilmore) House Captain. A teacher pulled me out of class during Orientation Week and really encouraged me to apply for School Captain which at the time was something that was not on my mind. I look back now and am really thankful to that teacher as they gave me the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. This eventually opened new doors for me and taught me many great things that I could use as I start the next chapter in my life.
The past six years have been more than the best, thank you McKinnon.
From the Gold Coast
Oliver Ledger
Deputy School Captain & Gilmore House Captain
This term has got to be one of the busiest. Recently, the Year 9s have taken Maths and English exams to prepare them for Year 10. This took place on Thursday 23 November at the McKinnon Road Campus. Some of the Year 9 students who were successful with their Year 11 application had their orientation throughout this week at McKinnon Road Campus whereas the rest of the Year 9 students have their transition days, and all students have Peer Support training on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 December and then their final day on Wednesday 6 December.
The Year 9s also had their graduation ceremony that took place in the East Campus Gym on Friday 1 December. This was held to congratulate the Year 9 students for finishing their junior school journey and graduating from the East Campus. As well as the graduation ceremony there was an ice cream van that the school had hired to celebrate the graduation of the Year 9s.
As well, next year's Year 7s prepare for their transition days coming up on Tuesday 12 December. We all know this is a very daunting time in their lives so we wish them the best with their transition from Primary School to High School. I would like to thank all the staff and teachers for a wonderful year, and I am very grateful to have been part of the East Campus leadership team.
Benjamin Muyemba
Year 9 Student