A reminder that all students from Years 7-12 require a Chromebook purchased through our supplier. As with other parent-purchased resources (such as textbooks), these devices have been selected specifically to enhance our curriculum. The success of our Chromebook program relies on all students working on the same platform; therefore, bringing a device not purchased through the school's supplier is problematic. Students may experience network accessibility issues, while non-school approved devices cannot be serviced and maintained by our technicians.
In addition, we are continuously rolling out new Google apps and features through our school domain and these are only compatible with Chromebooks purchased through our supplier. For these reasons, students bringing a different device to school (e.g. MacBook, Windows laptop) may be at a disadvantage in the classroom.
If you need to organise a new Chromebook for your child for the 2024 school year, here are the instructions for ordering online:
- Click on this portal link:
- Go to the ‘Purchase’ section
- When entering your child’s details, the 'Student Username' is their McKinnon student code
McKinnon’s Chromebook program plays an incredibly important role in delivering an effective and engaging curriculum to our students. Its success relies on all students using a standard platform and we thank all families for their ongoing support.
Years 8 & 9 booklists for 2024 can now be completed online through Campion Education. The link is on the College website or can be accessed here. Campion has updated their online systems so you now need to obtain a verification code (via email or SMS) to access their site. The 4-digit code K9JD will then allow you to view McKinnon’s resource lists.
If families would like their orders home delivered during the summer holidays, the online process needs to be completed by Friday 15 December. Campion has included a set charge to cover the packing and home delivery costs. For families interested in buying/selling secondhand books, information about the Sustainable School Shop is available here (link is also on the College website). A useful second-hand textbook stocktake list has also been prepared, but please remember to check the edition of the book on the booklist before purchasing any second-hand texts. It is crucial that students have the correct edition.
Families have been contacted about end-of-year arrangements for students. More details can be found on the Compass newsfeed.
The College will be conducting Presentation Assembly rehearsals on Thursday 14 December; students involved in this event have been notified. The last three days of the year (Friday 15, Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 December) are Curriculum Days and no normal classes will run.
Current Year 7 students will undertake a two-day induction program at the East Campus in preparation for 2024. This will take place on Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 December and students will hear from the College Leadership team, undertake a school tour and participate in numerous activities to familiarise themselves with the new campus. More details will be sent to families shortly.
Due to the broad curriculum program, we offer students at McKinnon as well as our reduction in class sizes, class changes for students year to year are inevitable.
We thank you for your understanding.