This semester saw some extraordinary achievements from our Year 9 coding class. Various of these bright young minds ventured beyond the confines of our classwork, demonstrating exceptional creativity and technical prowess in Python programming. Our class had various students embarking on various projects, weaving their skills from class and various coding snippets from both classes and from their research into very impressive applications.
One such creation was a text adventure game, a captivating journey on their Chrome OS Linux terminal. It's not just a game; it's an art piece, blending vivid colours, suspenseful timing, and interactivity that captivates the user's imagination. The clever use of screen clearing and user input created a truly immersive experience.
Other students developed sleek login systems. Utilising Tkinter, they created an interface that's not only user-friendly but also robust, with a password verification system crafted with care. The blend of pop-up windows and security features showcases their ability to balance aesthetics and functionality.
While some explored the depths of the Tkinter library supporting them with creating windows and buttons, others ventured into new territories, finding online libraries for timing and file management. The result? A rich tapestry of innovative solutions, building a very important coding skill: adapting others’ code into your own programming.
They’ve not only developed impressive technical skills but have also shown the kind of initiative and problem-solving mindset that will make excellent programmers in the future. Very exciting to see where these students will go in the future.
Mr Juan Ospina
ICT Teacher