Week 4 of Term 4, 2023 

General School News

  • Good luck to our Year 12 students as they begin their external exams. Exams will be held in the HOB; please be mindful if you are near that building and keep volume to a minimum.
  • Remember that Term 4 is only 8 weeks,  at the end of this week, we will be halfway there.  All students should be sticking to a structured study routine and completing all classwork on time. This will provide them with the very best chance at success for end-of-term assessments.
  • The St Mary's Catholic College school uniform unites us as a community, it is an expectation that all students wear it with pride. There will be repercussions for students who choose not to wear the uniform correctly.  To review the College General Expectations document, please CLICK HERE.   
  • Students are reminded that if they remain on campus after school, particularly on Thursdays, they are only permitted to be in the library. Students must not be in the Nazareth Pavilion or roaming the College grounds.








Leah McBryde 

Assistant Principal, Junior Years (7 - 9) |


Justin Brennan 

Acting Assistant Principal, Senior Years (10 -12) |

Year 7

  • Welcome to Week 4!
  • Congratulations to our Year 7 students who competed in the Wonders of Science contest during week 3 and clinched the first-place spot. An outstanding achievement!
  • This week, during our SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) lesson, students will continue learning about Motivation. They will look into ways to increase intrinsic motivation and develop an appreciation of failures as learning opportunities.  


Christina Borzi

Head of Year 7 

Year 8

  • Welcome to Week 4!
  • In the lead-up to Christmas the College will be participating in the annual Vinnies Christmas Appeal. The appeal helps to provide food for those in need during the holiday season and relies on donations in the form of non-perishable goods. Baskets have been placed in each PG room; the PG with the most donated items wins a prize. 
  • Congratulations to the Year 8 students who competed in the Wonder of Science competition during Week 3 and were successful in achieving third place. A sensational effort!


Andy Winter

Head of Year 8

Year 9

  • Welcome to Week 4!
  • Thank you to all the teachers and families who have helped students with their 2024 Junior Prefect applications. Students moving onto the interview process have now been emailed. Due to the overwhelming number of applications, interviews will start from Week 4 and span into the following weeks. Prefects will be announced in
    Week 8. 
  • During SEL this week our Year 9 students participated in an induction session with VPG. If students and families wish to revisit the information, please use the links below: 
  • In preparation for VPG interviews on Thursday and Friday this week, students are to have the VPG form and resumes completed by Wednesday 25 October. We will be giving students support and time during SEL. 


Saripha Curro

Head of Year 9 

Year 10 

  • Welcome to Week 4! 
  • Last week our students focussed on resilience in their SEL lesson.  We watched a useful video on how our brains are wired to focus on the negative and how we have to train it to shift its focus to the positives. The video is well worth watching . 
  • This week a parent slip will be sent out via email to inform parents and students of the end of year Pastoral Day.  We will be spending the day at the Cairns Wake and Aqua Park. Students will receive a paper copy of the disclaimer form, which needs to be completed and returned to each student’s PG mentor.


John Cahill

Head of Year 10 

Year 11

  • Welcome to Week 4!
  • Our Great Barrier Reef trip to Green Island is on Monday! Emails have been sent, please check for details!
  • Community PG will be on Wednesday.
  • Vinnies Christmas Appeal is upon us. Students have been put to the challenge to bring in as many items as they can as a PG. The Christmas Appeal is a great initiative to ensure all families have food on the table this Christmas. The PG with the most items will win a prize for their efforts. 
  • Senior Shirt orders are to be placed and paid for at the Uniform Shop by the end of Wednesday this week (25 October.) There will be no second order.


Sophie McQueen

Head of Year 11 

Year 12

  • Welcome to Week 4!
  • Best of luck with exams! Students are to ensure they are on time, in the right place, in formal uniform, and with all the necessary equipment. 
  • On the days when students do not have exams, they are not required to attend school. For students who wish to be on campus, to see teachers, uniform must be worn, and the sign in/out proceedure (at student reception) must be followed.
  • Students are required to attend school on Tuesday, Week 7, from 11:00am - 1:00pm in their sports uniform.
  • Graduation Mass: Students are to arrive by 8:30am in PGs in G6, G7, and G8, and must be in formal school uniform.


Lucy Fitzpatrick

Head of Year 12