Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

Congratulations to our student leaders for 2024. I am proud to announce School Captains Amelia Scheibner and Liam Davis and our Vice Captains Ella Collett and Darcy Williams. They will be great leaders for our school.


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Marty Stuart. Marty has been successful in gaining a teaching position in Newcastle. This means that Marty will now be able to be with his family. Marty has been a valued member of the Eglinton team and we will miss him, but understand his need to be with his family. 


Student Reports will be released on the Parent Portal by the end of the school day Friday 8th December. If you require hard copies please contact the school office and a copy will be sent home with your child. 


Country Fair preparations are well underway. They are a small committee led by Catharine Riini undertaking a massive job. If there is anything you can do to support this committee they would love to hear from you. Please contact the office and give your details so the committee can contact you. 


Thursday 23 November we will be having solar panels installed. This is the first stage of our cooler classrooms rollout. On this day OOSH will need to relocate to the hall. Zali will be in contact with families. I haven't been made aware what the following steps will be but I will keep you updated as I know. 



Eglinton Public School attendance as at 16th November 2023

Last Week: 90.4%

This week: 90.4%

Goal: 95%

Did you know that for your child to achieve an attendance rate of 95% each term they should have no more than 2 days off. 


You can check your child's attendance rate on the Sentral Parents App. Click on their photo, select 'Student Details' and click on 'Attendance'. Our expected student attendance rate is above 95%. To maintain an attendance rate of above 90% a student should have no more than 5 days off a term. 


Thank you for supporting us in reaching our attendance goal. The data above shows our current student attendance for the last week. Please ensure you contact the school via the Sentral Parent Portal if your child has a day off to explain their absence.