Year 5/6 News

Hourig, Sunny, Jenny and Bronwyn

Term 4

Term 4 in Kaba Kada (the Rainforest) has seen a real shift in focus as the students' gaze turns to next year. The Year 6 students are excited and somewhat daunted to be heading to high school, while the Year 5s are looking forward to becoming the ultimate student leaders of the school.


During the writing sessions this term, the Year 6 students have been reflecting on their most memorable experiences of primary school. The Year 5 students, on the other hand, have been imagining themselves as the next year’s captains and using their knowledge of persuasive writing to create compelling speeches.


Maths has been very hands-on as students have explored and compared mass, capacity and volume. Additionally, they have flipped coins, spun spinners and created tree diagrams as they learned about events and possible outcomes. Currently, they are hard at work creating financial plans and calculating discounts - how practical is that?

Throughout this term, the students have been combining all the knowledge they've acquired since Foundation, regarding communities and the human-made systems that we currently use, or could use, to establish sustainable cities. At the moment, the students are beginning to construct and design their own cities.


As well as all this, students have been visited by Metro and learned about safe travelling on public transport. The Year 5 students have been visited by the State Member for Oakleigh in his role as  Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events. They received a Little Angler's Kit and also appeared on Channel 9 and Channel 10 news. They have just enjoyed a fabulous day immersed in science activities and will shortly be visited by Robogals Monash where they will learn to loop code EV3 robots.

Little Anglers Kit

By Nubaid, Elias and Adele

Last week, the Year 5s went to the Huddle for an incursion. The incursion was organised by our school to welcome the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Steve Dimopoulos. Steve came with his media group (and the news reporters from Channel 9 and Channel 10). During the incursion, the Year 5 children were given fishing kits.  In Victoria, there a total of 95,000 Year 5s who will all be given a fishing kits at a cost of $1.5 million. The main reason they are giving these kits out is so kids can get off the screen and spend more time with family and friends. Excitingly, some of the Year 5s got to speak on the news. Overall, it was an amazing experience. 

Science Club

By Harshaan & Vedant

During lunchtime on Thursday, we run a Year 5/6 Science Club. In this Science Club, we explore physics and motion in fun and practical ways and delve into simple circuitry. Jenny, who teaches  5/6C,  supervises us which helps us generate fun and engaging lessons that our groups enjoy. In Science Club, we have looked at motion and forces using the SpherosTM. In these lessons, we looked at the controls for them and how they move along the ground. For circuitry, we looked at Littebits, which are small pieces that connect together and then connect to a battery to provide power for lights, sensors and buttons.