Year 3/4 News

Akshpreet, Dilan and Radhika

Term 4 Challenges

Year 3/4s have continued challenging themselves in Term 4, as they approach their learning through an inquisitive and curious lens. Please find below a snapshot of their learning.


As readers, we have continued learning about figurative language. Particularly we have been investigating puns, which is a form of wordplay that exploits the different meanings of a word for humour. Similes and Metaphors have also been explored and they are both figures of speech that are used to make a comparison between two things that are not alike.




We have continued our learning of persuasive writing, placing emphasis on engaging and informing the reader. Year 3/4s have achieved this through by researching their chosen topic and using facts and evidence to strengthen their argument. Students also used an array of persuasive techniques to convince and entertain their audience such as alliteration, repetition, descriptive adjectives, and adverbs.


In Mathematics we have been learning about digital and analogue time, as well as the challenging concept of elapsed time. We then moved on to learning about Money, specifically Australian currency as we allowed students to consider various ways they can make money, and the importance of budgeting. In week 6 we have begun looking at Angles as students will investigate acute, right, obtuse and straight angles.





We continued learning about our big idea, 'Organisations are Formed to Meet Human Needs and Solve Problems' by exploring the roles and responsibilities of the 3 levels of government (Local, State/Territory, Federal). We then transitioned toward learning about bills and laws and how they are passed, unpacking why different levels of government work together to pass bills.