Year 1/2 News

Sean, Lynda and Jack


Over the last couple of weeks, students have been learning about Area and Perimeter in our Mathematics sessions. In our recent Mathematics sessions, we have been focusing on the concepts of Area and Perimeter. To help us understand these concepts, we have been using our handprints to calculate the area of our handspans. Additionally, we have been drawing shapes on graph paper and calculating their respective areas and perimeters. We used our hand prints to work out the area of our handspan and ruled shapes on grid paper and worked out the area and perimeter of the shapes.

We have been learning about fractions and folding and cutting circles and squares into halves, quarters, and eighths.


After having explored our family trees and designed our own family crests during our Inquiry sessions, students are now learning about different communities, what a community is, and what we might find in a community. We are also comparing our current community here in the Clayton area to that of students’ previous homes here and overseas, how they are similar, and how they may differ.