Principal's News

Sue Simadri

Dear Clayton North Primary School Community, 

We are halfway through Term 4 and nearing the end of 2023!


As you will read in this newsletter, many great things are continuing to happen across the school, wonderful learning activities in the classroom, as well as planning and preparation for 2024. 


Last Friday, we were delighted to welcome Steve Dimopoulos MP, Member for Oakleigh, to present our Year 5 students with angler kits as part of the Victorian Government’s Little Angler’s Initiative. Students were thrilled to receive a fishing rod along with its accessories, all packed in a hold-all bag! Channels 9 and 10 were also present, interviewing some of our students and recording the event, which was aired on the evening news. The feedback from the Minister’s entourage was that our students were articulate, respectful, and engaged! Credit must go to the Year 5/6 Team and all staff who have supported the students’ growth and development during their time at Clayton North Primary School!

Student Learning and Engagement 

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM)

As we do not currently have a science teacher or provide students with specific Science learning, the school has made the decision to collaborate with Inspire Robotics, which is an Edutech company that offers full STEM programs at a far higher quality and lower cost than what can be traditionally offered by schools. The engineers and scientists help empower teachers to offer experiences to students far beyond anything they would traditionally encounter in the classroom. To get more kids excited about STEM, primary school students need to experience the power of science and technology, as by the time they reach high school, many students have already decided that science subjects are not for them. Inspire Robotics is offering our current Year 2/3 students a free introductory session this Friday 10th November to explore STEM education, with the idea that they will provide a one-term program in 2024. Parents are invited to attend the trial session, so they understand what the program is for and how their children will benefit from being involved.


Be on the lookout for some of our top programs running at Clayton North PS next year!

Rocketeers: Truly a feat of rocket science, the Rocketeers program immerses students in the realm of aerospace engineering. Designing, building, and launching rockets in teams—this program is filled with excitement and finishes with a bang!

Animated Wonders: Diving into animatronics, students utilize electronics to bring an animated figure to life. Using programmable microcontrollers, this program allows students to understand the cyber-physical relationship in a creative way.

VR Game Development: Developing, programming, and playing their own virtual reality video games, students put meaning behind what goes into the video games they love so much.


Check out the website for more information:  


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Letters and information relating to the program have been distributed to current Year 4/5 students to take home to parents and carers. An information session is scheduled for next Wednesday, 15th November, at 5.30pm to respond to questions and go through finer details. Attached is a copy of the letter and the JB HiFi information and instructions booklet. The school website has been updated with the BYOD information and a link set up to take parents across to the CNPS JB HiFi portal. 


Student Diary

The 2024 diary for Years 3-6 students is finalised and sent for printing. Selected student artwork has been used for the front and back covers, which, I am sure, will be well-received by the student cohort and the community! Also included in the diary is the role of the student diary, our school values and what that looks like in and around the school and the classroom environments, and school uniform information. 


I am confident that the above initiatives will go a long way in supporting our students with preparing for and transitioning to secondary school.

2023 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

Many parents took the opportunity to enrol their children to complete one or more of the ICAS tests, last term. The tests measure understanding and capabilities in different subject areas. 

Students who undertake the ICAS test are ranked based on their percentile in each year level across every participating state (Australia) and country:

  • Top 1% of students receive a High Distinction
  • The next 10% of students receive a Distinction
  • The following 25% of students receive a Credit
  • The next 10% of students receive a Merit Certificate
  • All other students receive a Participation Certificate

Certificates will be presented to all participating students at next Tuesday’s assembly. An invitation is extended to parents to join us in congratulating all students for their participation and achievement in this international competition.                                          


Wish you all a great weekend!