Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Maliha A

For always showing kindness and respect to others (Rick D3) 

Lexi J

For being a helpful member of our learning community (Holly D4)

Arlo A

For writing fantastic Information Reports about different zoo animals (Hannah D5)

Clay D

For using great voices for his character during Reader's Theatre (Jess M1)

Felicity M

For always reading with a great deal of expression. Well done, Felicity! (Rebecca M2)

Airlie Mc

For always displaying our school value of respect (Claire M3)

Isabella R

For being brave during maths and giving it a go, even when she felt overwhelmed  (Miss Woodfield/Miss Kennedy M4)

Willow P

For showing school values. Well done! (Amelia M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Jessie T

For being helpful to others in the yard (Mrs Brown B1)

Jaxon V

For displaying the MRPS values exceptionally (Brooke B3)

Grace S

For sitting beautifully on the floor and showing her fantastic listening skills (Brooke B3)

Sylvia C

For demonstrating patience and persistence in creating her writing piece (Mr Loader B4)

Goraav Reddy N

For actively participating in conference groups. Keep sharing your ideas Goraav! (Lauren B5)

Brock B

For his hard work on his Writer's Festival piece (Lauren B5)

Makayla W

For persevering in her volcano project and finding new ways to present (Kyra & Mr Hill S1)

Braxton H

For always completing his morning routine and coming to school with a positive 

attitude (Kyra & Mr Hill S1)

Georgia F

For being so diligent with her writing pieces (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Zach V

For working extremely hard on your Writer's Festival piece (Mr C S3)

Indi G 

For always seeking extra jobs and responsibilities in the classroom (Troy S4) 

Lily D

For always seeking extra jobs and responsibilities in the classroom (Troy S4)



Hamish P S2

For excellent effort to get into the school basketball team! (Katherine/Emily PE)

Aden C S2

For being an excellent mentor in P.E. (Katherine/Emily PE)

Hudson M M5

For fabulous one on one soccer kicking skills  (Katherine/Emily PE)

Dakota N M2

For excellent soccer kicking skills  (Katherine/Emily PE)

Ruby Mc S3

For having a really confident attitude in P.E. this week  (Katherine/Emily PE)

Cooper R D5

For being an enthusiastic learner during art (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Aylee P D5

For helping her peers during art (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Poppy D M2

For being kind and well mannered (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Arlo B D3

For helping her peers during art (Mrs Bleicher VA)



Last week's Stars of the Week.......