School Notifications 

School Uniform

The summer uniform will start as of term 4. Hats are compulsory. Black School shoes are to be worn with the summer uniform.


Hats are Back

With Spring comes higher UV levels and that means all children are required to wear their hats for the remainder of the year during play times. The ‘No hat, No play’ rule applies.

Coffee and Chat

I would like to invite you to join me for coffee and conversation over the term. These meetings are designed to foster meaningful connections and provide the opportunity for open communication in person. Please bring your questions and ideas. I look forward to seeing you at our first Coffee Chat on Friday 6 October straight after assembly in the parish centre.


Next Coffee and chat:

Friday 20 October

Friday 17 November



NB: If you wish a private one to one please feel free to make a time with me My door is always open.


Assembly is held at 9:00 am on Friday mornings and will be held in the hall. Parents are welcome to attend.

At assembly each year level will share their learning.  

Friday 13 October Year 4

Friday 20 October Prep

Friday 27 October Year 1/2

Friday 3 November Grandparents & special friends 

Friday 17 November Year 5

Friday 8 December Year 6 farewell and end of year assembly