Wellbeing Update

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

Last Friday (18th August) we celebrated the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence


In keeping with the theme of ‘Growing Connections’, it was wonderful to start the day with a beautiful sound healing, led by Romy Paltoglou. For ten minutes, the whole school connected as one. 


Students’ comments about how the sound felt in their bodies after the sound healing included, ‘I felt calm’, ‘I felt relaxed’, ‘I was in a rainforest’, ‘I felt sad’, ‘I felt tired but when I sat up again, I felt energised’. 


Many staff and parents also commented on how beautiful the sound healing was, not only for the students, but for the adults too. If you would like to learn more about sound healing, Romy can be contacted via:

Romy Paltoglou
Soul Sounds Massage
Sound Healing
Instagram @soulsoundsmassage


Poster Competition

Whilst the poster competition winners were announced at Assembly last week, there were also several well-deserving finalists. Please see the tables and images below for more information.


  • Foundation - Kira & Mireya
  • Year 1/2 - Olivia & Arabella
  • Year 3/4 - Gilbert and Kathir
  • Year 5/6 - Summer, Gappy & Teddy & Anna & Leysha
Foundation and Year 3/4 winners
Foundation and Year 3/4 winners
Year 1/2 and Year 5/6 winners
Year 1/2 and Year 5/6 winners






James & Albie

Cleo, Mia & Katerina

Aurelia & Sienna

Rafa & Thom

Ines & Raph

Freddie & Elliot

Lou & Rosa

Evie & Willow

Ari C & Lev

Dash & Jack

Avi, Molly & Frankie

Maggie & Veneta

Kira & Frankie

Asia, Lily, Indigo & Ramona

Bea & Sorcha

Joel, Cooper & Archie



Billy & Max

Eve & Lily



Alessia & Sophia

Sarah & Chloe



Annie & Gracie

Foundation finalists
Foundation finalists
Year 1/2 finalists
Year 1/2 finalists
Year 3/4 finalists
Year 3/4 finalists
Year 5/6 finalists
Year 5/6 finalists

Multi-age activity

The afternoon saw classes from throughout the school, take part in activities which promoted ‘Growing Connections’. Foundation paired up with Year 3/4 and 1/2 students paired up with 5/6. 

Foundation & 3/4

The Foundation and 3/4 students shared a story called, ‘Enemy Pie, which highlights how spending time with someone you don’t know very well can turn them from what you might think is an enemy, into a friend. They then buddied-up with a partner, to draw their hands and have a chat about their favourite things. Things everyone liked went inside the hands. Things only one person liked was drawn on the outside of the hand. Here are some examples;

1/2 & 5/6

The 5/6 & 1/2 students read a book called, ‘The Important Book’, which identified the important features of different things. They then followed the pattern within the text to create their own pages. Firstly, they paired up and interviewed one another. Once they had the important information they needed, they helped each other to create pages for a 1/2 and 5/6 Important Book. 

Here are some examples;