Important Notices

Curriculum Day reminder

A reminder for families that our staff will be taking part in a Curriculum Day on Friday 8th September. This is a student-free day at school.


Staff will be working with Ris Leung, a passionate advocate for, and expert in, children learning to write. Ris is an ex-teacher and Principal and now works as a Literacy Consultant. You can find out more about her at 


On the day Ris will work with us to better understand the writing process and the role of the trait of sentence fluency in high quality writing.


Team Kids will be running a full day program on the 8th for any families requiring childcare. 



Our annual school Walkathon will be taking place on Monday 4th September. Notices went home earlier this week providing greater detail and asking for your support in collecting sponsors for your child for each lap of the oval they can complete.


We are aiming to raise $15,000 from this year's walkathon - funds that will be used for our major fundraising goal of rejuvenating our school basketball court in 2024.


Following the walkathon, we will continue with the tradition of a whole-school celebration with a sausage sizzle, cake stall and icy poles straight after school in the schoolyard. Look out for ways that you can volunteer to help this take place and start collecting your gold coins now. 

Fathers' and Special Persons Day Celebration - Friday 1st September

Join us to celebrate Father’s Day at SKiPPS!  


All Dads and Special People are invited to attend the annual, Fathers and Special People Morning.


Hosted by SKiPPA (St Kilda Park Parents Association), this special event provides students with an opportunity to come together before school on Friday 1st September 2023. 


Be greeted by a croissant and a coffee and then move onto some competitive fun with the kids.  


Enjoy some bonding time with the kids and other SKiPPS families before beginning your day. 


Coffee & Croissant $5. A huge thankyou to Little Sister Bakery for their continued support. 

Dads' Footy Competition - Saturday 2nd September

In the lead up to Fathers' Day, our SKiPPS dads are joining forces with Middle Park Primary School to again take part in the Bayside Dads' Footy Carnival at 2pm on Saturday 2nd September.


Training has been going well and we are confident of retaining the trophy won so memorably in 2022.


It is not too late for any match-fit dads to get involved (please email Ed Waters to find out more).


Families are all invited and encouraged to attend the game to cheer on our school and to have a fun afternoon. As well as top quality football from our dads, there will also be live music, food, drink, family entertainment and lots more.

Footy Colours Day & Footy Breakfast - Friday 15th September

With the end of term fast approaching, it is almost time for that wonderful SKiPPS tradition - Footy Colours Day.


In celebration of St Kilda's almost-certain appearance in the Grand Final, we invite all students, staff and parents to put on the jerseys or colours of their favourite side and wear these proudly to school on Friday 15th September - the final day of term 3.


These could be AFL, NRL, soccer or any other sport - maybe we will see some Matildas fans this year. We will have a Footy Colours parade on the basketball court at assembly time and classes are already planning some football themed learning activities for the day.


SKiPPA, our Parents' Association will kick the day off at 8am by firing up the BBQs and getting the coffee ready for a special Footy Colours breakfast. 


They will have bacon and egg rolls for sale and a coffee cart operating for the absolutely best way to end this term. We hope to see you here.


Sub Committee Meetings

Our school has a number of permanent working groups called sub-committees. These groups are made up of staff members and dedicated parents who meet ten times a year with a focus to make our school a better place.


Sub-committees are open for anyone to join and rely on the energy, ideas and hard work of parents to improve the school experience for all of our students.


The groups are open for all parents to join and contribute to so feel free to come along to any of the following meetings. 

Group Name and focus

Next meeting date and time



Buildings, Grounds and Sustainability

- To oversee the condition of our school buildings and grounds and plan improvements.

Wednesday 30th August


School Staffroom

Neil Scott


- To coordinate fundraising and community events for the school community

Thursday 24th August


School Staffroom

Neil Scott

Education and Policy

- To monitor the Annual Implementation Plan and develop school policies

Wednesday 30th August 


School Meeting Room (Office)

Matt Cook


- To monitor the school's financial statements and develop our annual school budget.

Thursday 24th August


School Meeting Room (Office)

Neil Scott