

Bree Harvey-Bice

Dhanganna, Hello, Rojbash.


As we conclude another enriching term at Armidale Secondary College, it is my privilege to share with you some highlights and reflections on our journey so far this academic year. It's been a term that has truly highlighted our school's core values: 

Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience. 

Our students have continued to achieve in the sporting and cultural arenas and in academic pursuits. 


Respect remains at the heart of our school culture. I am proud to see the majority of students treating each other, their teachers, and the wider community with the kindness and consideration that embodies this value. Our commitment to creating an inclusive and respectful environment for all is progressing each day and with the reinvigoration of the Positive Behaviour for Learning program we are seeing great differences in the day to day feel of the school. In today's world, respect is a fundamental pillar, and it's a quality that will serve our students well in all aspects of your lives.


 Our negotiated PBL goals for respect include: 

• Using respectful, calm and clear language.

• Following reasonable instructions. 

• Being inclusive of people’s belief, culture and background.

• Celebrating success and being a proud ambassador for my school. 


Congratulations to our outgoing Senior Student Leadership Team for the incredible example and role model that they have been over the last twelve months in upholding our core values but especially for being proud ambassadors for our school. 


Responsibility has been exemplified by both students and staff alike. The sense of accountability displayed in taking ownership of “Our future, Our learning” and actions has been inspiring. Our staff have gone above and beyond to ensure a quality education, adapting to changing circumstances with dedication and creativity. The responsibility we collectively shoulder in the pursuit of knowledge is vital, and I thank all our staff, teaching and non-teaching for embracing wholeheartedly our codesign process in which we are evaluating and making necessary changes to our systems, processes and communications, wellbeing and student behaviour. Staff have been working as a whole and in action teams to address key challenges and make adjustments based on research and data informed practices. 


Resilience, perhaps more than ever, has been on full display. The challenges we've faced this term have demanded unwavering perseverance. I commend the students for their adaptability in navigating the uncertainties caused by outside forces impacting on their school. Likewise, our staff have shown exceptional resilience in their commitment to providing the best possible educational experience in what has been a very difficult term. Our collective ability to bounce back from adversity, to learn and grow from setbacks, is a testament to the incredible people that make up Armidale Secondary College. ASC is not a building and grounds. It is not just a facility, it is people and we are proud ASC people who back each other to do better and better. 


I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge our graduating Year 12 students. Your hard work, determination, and the resilience you've demonstrated throughout your time here at Armidale Secondary College have prepared you for the next exciting chapter of your lives. As you embark on new adventures, remember the values that have shaped your journey here – respect, responsibility, and resilience. All the best in your HSC examinations and remember while it is important to do your best and be prepared for the exams that a single number can never define you. You are kind, caring people who have developed such a wonderful group of friendships with your peers and we would love to see your every dream turn into a goal you can achieve. 


In closing, I want to express my deepest appreciation to our staff and families for their unwavering support and dedication to our students. Your commitment to their growth and well-being is truly exceptional. As we approach the final term of the year, let us continue to uphold these core values and finish the year strong, soaring for success like our proud school mascot, Reggie the Wedge Tailed Eagle. 


Wishing you all a restful and rejuvenating spring break. I look forward to the many achievements and successes that the next term will bring. 


Bree Harvey-Bice (Principal)