Catholic Identity and Mission 

Ms Nicole Dudman - Director

Walkathon Presentation Assembly


Tuesday 3rd October 12pm 


More details will come out confirming the finer details closer to the date.


Walkathon Fundraisers


Thank you to staff, students, parents and the community who have supported the College Walkathon. 


We are in the final weeks of fundraising activities and donations.


If you have not had a chance to yet or feel you can contribute some more would be great! This will close on Friday 15th September.


See the QR Code!


Any Students who have been collecting cash please bring it to student reception by the end of Term.


Staff Professional Development Day

Religious Education Staff participated in a Professional Development Day on Monday 11th September with Marg Carswell on Scripture.  It was a great day learning how we can better include scripture in our RE lessons.

We acknowledge that the Indigenous Voice represents a significant stride towards empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in addressing the deep-seated inequities prevalent in numerous social, economic and health indicators. By working in tandem with truth-telling, a robust First Nations Voice will serve as the bedrock for the journey towards reconciliation. This journey may encompass treaties, sovereignty, and various opportunities that the First Nations Voice can explore and advocate for.


Click here to view the statement


Dear Lord

We pray for a bright and just shared future for all who call Australia home. We ask that Your grace of acceptance and compassion will guide us. Let the Creator Spirit lead our journey with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of this land. May we share Your Spirit more deeply; and celebrate the gifts You have given us. Help us appreciate true harmony and peace just as our Old People did; Keep us strong, make us resilient, and remember us in this time. Now is an opportunity to change our Nation’s history for the better. Walk with us as we write a new chapter together and may we be one in Your love.



Wishing you all a wonderful break over the holidays whatever you may be doing. Safe travel to those who are heading away on holidays whether it be local or overseas.