with Ms Foley

Every year, the Children’s Book Council of Australia presents Book Week which coincides with the awarding of Book of the Year.  This year the theme was Read, Grow, Inspire.

The purpose of the CBCA and Book Week is to enrich young lives through Australian stories and to connect, communicate, celebrate, and advocate for the the value of stories, across generations.

This year at Albany Rise, we ran a number of activities to celebrate Book Week.

The Guess the Book competition had over 120 entries.  Students had to guess the title of the book which had been shredded, and sealed in a transparent container.  The winner was Hannah, from 2W with her guess of Jack and the Beanstalk.  The challenge level winners were George and Jai from 5/6V, with their guess of The Secret Garden.




House points were also awarded and FREEMAN won the inaugural Book Week House Cup, with 400 points.

Voting for the Junior and Senior schools favourite Picture Books of the Year also took place.  Frank’s red hat was a clear winner with the Junior school as was Paradise Sands for the Senior school. The CBCA winner was My Strange Shrinking Parents.




And finally, each class decorated their doors with artwork from each of the shortlisted books.


It was a fantastic Book Week with amazing participation from all levels of the school.  


                                  Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun.