Classroom Reports

Foundation & One
The Grade F/1 have been enjoying the class novel, Fantastic Mr Fox. The Foundation children have been exploring characters in the story and coming up with lots of descriptive words to describe the three farmers. The tension is tightening as we get closer to the end. Will the fox family escape or will they be caught by the farmers?
In maths, we are learning about the concept of 'rounding'. When given a number and using a chart , we have to decide which 'ten' the number is closest to?
In Inquiry, we are learning about conducting 'fair' experiments . We investigated things that effect how quickly a chocolate bud melts. Some things had to stay the same, like the size of the chocolate bud, the number of buds and the way the chocolate is held. We did all agree we love the taste regardless of the variables. Towards the end of the week, we are looking forward to maybe doing more experiments with Mr Merrit during Science Week.
At the end of the week, we also say good-bye to Mrs Carroll and wish her well in her teaching career.
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher.
Years 1 & 2
We have continued our investigation about mixtures and what happens when different substances are mixed together. We were lucky enough to join Mr Merritt and Mr Monaco in the science room on Monday. Mr Merritt used a Bunsen burner and showed us what can happen when different substances are added to boiled red cabbage water! We also did some other cool things.
Just a reminder that next Tuesday will be the Book Parade so start thinking about what book character you will come dressed as.
Mrs McKenzie & Miss Martin Classroom Teachers
Year 3
Hello to Grade 3 Parents, Carers and Community.
It is with great pride that I thank my students on how they participated at the Calder Athletics. They did Wedderburn College proud with both their behaviour and participation on the day.
We have continued working collaboratively and produced another piece of art. It is a pleasure to see all the students being engaged in these projects.
Please remind and encourage the students to complete their reading diaries and spelling homework.
Here are our Focuses:
Maths- Division
Literacy- Information Reports and Procedures (Science Week)
Inquiry- Sustainability
History- Our First Peoples and Explorers
Dates To Remember
14th-18th-Science Week
17th- Lunch – Science with Mr Merritt
21st Mrs T Absent
21st-22nd Book Week
22nd- Book Week Parade
25th- Student Free Day
Fridays- Diary hand in
Until Next Time - Mrs T
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher.
Year 4, 5 and 6
This term, we have been working together to explore our inquiry topic of Earth Sciences. This has allowed us to participate in hands on activities to consolidate and further extend our knowledge about our solar system, planets and distances between planets.
Our first applied maths activity saw us measuring how long a year on Jupiter is. We did this by first measuring the distance around the sun (cones 1m from the sun) and then the distance around Jupiter (cones 5.2m from our sun). Once we had timed ourselves, we had to divide 2 of Jupiter’s walking laps by one of Earth’s running laps, which gave us the answer of how many times longer a Jupiter year is. (If you were wondering, it is 12 times longer than ours).
Our first Inquiry lesson involved us making a paper Mache sun or moon after doing some extensive reading into each planet. Students have loved the opportunity to get messy and creative during this time, with many adding in craters to their moons! Our next step is to begin designing and painting our models so they are as realistic as possible.
Our work on Earth Science will continue until the end of the term with lots of interesting readings and information reports being produced by students. We look forward to sharing it with you once we are Earth Science experts!
Miss Anderson Yr 4, MsDouglas 5/6A and Mrs Turnbull 5/6B, Classroom Teachers
National Science Week
Primary classes are taking part in activities in the Secondary Science Room with Mr Merritt this week. On Monday the Grade 1 / 2 class enjoyed a variety of activities that centred around magnetism, acids and bases. Students were able to observe the colour changes from adding acids and bases to an indicator. The indicator was prepared from red cabbage during the session. Acids produced pink to red colours and bases produced blue to green colours. Students were introduced to the few magnetic materials on earth and common items that they can be found in.
Mr Merritt
Year 8 Art
Year 8 students have recently undertaken a Unit of work investigating portraiture and acrylic painting. During their investigations, students discussed the Archibald prize and researched an Archibald prize winner and their creative practice. Students then identified a personal ‘hero’ or ‘villain’ to create a portrait using their acrylic painting knowledge and skills.
Please join us in supporting Wedderburn College’s ‘Bald Archy’ prize and vote for your favourite artworks in the following categories:
- People’s choice (personal favourite)
- Most Creative (best use of materials and techniques)
- Most Original (most interesting imagery / composition)
Prizes awarded for the above categories.
The voting will close this week – votes will be tallied and winners presented at the next whole school assembly
Please see Mrs Barker for any further information
Year 9 Duke of Ed
Keeping Place and Canoe Day Excursion
On Monday 14th August the Year 9 (MY9) class travelled to Boort and Durham Ox (Serpentine Creek). The morning involved a visit to the Yung Balug Keeping Place, operated by Paul and Cathie Haw.
The Keeping Place is situated on the Boort Pyramid Road and was established on the east side of Lake Boort in 2019. Paul has always had a passion to preserve our local history for future generations, and this definitely shone through as he spoke to the MY9 Class. The students learnt about John Hunter Kerr’s passion for photography, and how he documented the local Aboriginal people in and around 1853. Kerr’s photos are regarded as some of the earliest photographic records of Aboriginal people in their natural state. The images have been supplied by the State Library as a gift to the Keeping Place, and the Yung Balug Clan. Paul spoke about the natural environment and how the local Aboriginal People used the land and were very resourceful. One of the high protein foods gathered was Wattle seeds. Cathie treated us all to Wattle Seed pikelets, and they were delicious.
We then moved on to Nolen’s Park in Boort, where the students had a quick break and ran around before getting back on the bus and heading to Durham Ox, Serpentine Creek. We unloaded the canoes, paired up and launched off the canoe ramp. The weather could not have been better, as we meandered up the Serpentine Creek. Jason Lee from Boort accompanied our group and pointed out some of the many highlights along the creek including 'The Inn' which sits near the edge of the river, built in 1848 and now a private residence also the scarred trees that were an important part of the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans. He told us that the Dja Dja Wurrung people lived a semi-nomadic lifestyle, with the creek being an important asset that was respected and heavily relied upon for resources.
The students had a fantastic day and enjoyed the experience of travelling by canoe while learning about the rich culture that our region has to offer.
Thank you to Mr Lockhart, Ms Van Wetering and Ms Herrington for coordinating the day.
Year 10
Last week our year 10 students completed three days of Driver's Education Training. Each morning they went to Charlton and practiced driving skills in manual and automatic cars. Students learned general driving skills, hill starts, three-point turns, parallel parking, massive burnouts, and more (one of these is a joke—we'll leave it to you to decide which one). On Thursday evening students went on a night drive to get used to varied driving conditions. All feedback indicates that the program was a great success. Students stated that it was a highly enjoyable experience while also giving them invaluable experience behind the wheel.
Mrs Barker, Mr Iser and Mr Merrit, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers
Year 11 & 12
Each Friday at lunchtime the Year 12 students, along with their dedicated teachers Mrs Woodman and Mr Gretgrix, can be found running activities in the KLC for the younger students. At Wedderburn College we encourage the senior students to contribute to the life of the College in positive ways and this is an excellent example of how our senior students respond. While providing fun activities, the Year 12s are demonstrating to our younger students how to be responsible citizens. As we all know, this is one of the College’s three values and we thank the Year 12s for their enthusiastic contributions.
Pictured left is Eliza Turnbull. Eliza is the subject of the student profile for this week. Eliza is this year’s School Captain. She is studying HHD, English, PE and Food Studies this year. She also completed studies in VET-Community Services and Unit 3 & 4-Further Maths in 2022. In her spare time, Eliza enjoys playing netball, waterskiing and keeping fit. When she finishes school she will be taking all opportunities that come her way. Eliza remembers her greatest achievement outside of school as winning BNF for Marong and Wedderburn Netball. When she finishes her studies, she would like to be either a flight attendant or a physiotherapist. In 10 years’ time, Eliza hopes to have a family and live in a country town on the land.
Finally, Eliza’s biggest role model is her sister Bec. This is because she always does well in life and tries to do the best in everything. We are very proud of Eliza and wish her well with future aspirations.
Mrs Ritchie, Mrs Woodman and Mr Gretgrix, Year 11 & 12 Homerooms Teachers
Pony Club Victoria Games
On the 25th of June Lillian and Violet Stephenson and I headed to the Pony Club Victoria Games, Flat and Musical Ride State Championships held at Bacchus Marsh, to compete in the Musical Ride.
I was a part of The Girls from Snowy River musical ride which was made up of myself, former Wedderburn College student Ingrid Gould and two others from Bealiba Pony Club.
Lillian and Violet were part of the Smurfs musical ride along with two others from Bealiba Pony Club as well.
We spent many months training in the dark and cold to choregraph our rides. Musical Rides are technical moves that are in time with music. You work in teams of four whist also being in costume. Each ride goes for around 8-10 minutes.
The Girls from Snowy River and Smurfs both qualified at a state qualifier to secure their spot at State back in April.
After all our hard work we were ready to ride. It was freezing all day and was no warmer when it was our turn. We came home with fantastic results after a great day of riding.
Lillian and Violet placed 4th overall on a countback in the Smurfs Ride.
And the team I was in was fortunate enough to come away with 1st and become Victorian State Champions.
Neve Nisbet
Year 7 2024 Information
Survey For Parents
Wedderburn College is conducting a survey to find out what parents / caregivers / guardians think of our school. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
All families are invited to participate in the survey.
The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open from Wednesday 9 August to Friday 8 September 2023.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the survey period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
Your participation will be greatly appreciated. Please keep a lookout in your email for login details. If you have changed your email address recently contact the front office so that your records can be updated.
For further information please contact Mr Iser.
Homework Club
Homework Club is held each Tuesday and Thursday at lunchtime in Room 11, students can drop in and work in a quiet, warm space. They can work independently or get help as required. As this is a voluntary program designed to give students an opportunity to catch up, own their learning, or get ahead, Homework Club is a chance for students to demonstrate our core values of Responsibility and Resilience.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.