Australian Maths Competition

Australian Maths Trust
The Australian Maths Competition was held at Greenvale Primary School for interested students in years 3-6 on Wednesday 2nd of August. Over 60 students competed against other students across Australia. First run in 1978, the Australian Mathematics Competition is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students. The test is comprised of 30 questions and topics include:
- Basic arithmetic
- Fractions and ratios
- Algebra and pre-algebra
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Statistics and probability
- Problem-solving (including enumeration)
Results will be available later in the year. All participants will receive a certificate at a future whole school assembly. The date of the assembly and the results of the competition will be published in the school newsletter.
The students who competed reported enjoying the experience and are looking forward to receiving their results. We are incredibly proud of the positive approach and resilience all students showed when competition in the competition.
“The Maths Competition was very fun and was also very challenging. I would highly recommend it!” - Rayan 5MM
“I had an amazing experience for the first time. It was challenging but I did the best I could” - Oneth 5MM
“It got progressively harder but was fun and challenging” - Kaiser 5MM