Years 3/4 Market Fresh

Shelley Leahy

Tatalising our ever-changing taste buds was the focus of the Year 3/4 Market fresh experience on Wednesday 16 August.


Our 3/4 community had a fantastic visit from Carolyn and Mia from Market Fresh Education. During the session, students learnt about the journey of foods from paddock to plate and the importance of natural farming practices.


Students also learnt the importance of having bright colours and balancing different foods on their plates daily. They even tasted apples, oranges, pineapple, avocado, celery, tomato, capsicum and banana, all hand-picked the day before.


Students discovered that taste buds are cells on your tongue that allow you to perceive tastes, including sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. Taste buds regenerate approximately every 10 days.


The avocado dip was a huge hit among students, and it was brilliant to see many students checking to see if their taste buds had changed in the last fortnight.