
Light Up Timor Update
The Green Team was busy assembling the solar lights during the recent team meeting. The team members put together 25 solar lights by following the instructions from Solarbuddy program ( The team will assemble the remaining 25 lights at our next meeting before shipping all of them to Timor-Leste very soon. receive the solar lights from Solar Buddy.
This is our school – let’s keep it tidy
Litter on school grounds is visually unappealing, affects animals, pollutes our waterways, and adds additional workload for our ground staff. Thank you to everyone that uses the bins provided to keep our grounds neat and tidy.
The Green Team requests all students to consider the following:
- avoid bringing soft plastics to school
- pack nude food in their school lunches
- use bins on school grounds to discard rubbish
- revisit the best recycling practices at school by watching this video:
Thank you everyone for their support.