Cyber Safety/STEM

Cyber Safety/STEM
Often in this newsletter, we’ve spoken about screen time, social media use, habits online, and how we can work together for our children. Lately, I’ve noticed both before and after school more students depart with smartphones.
As our children grow and navigate their primary school years, many parents face the pressing question of when or if to introduce a smartphone. While we may battle our children with this issue experts increasingly suggest delaying smartphone use for young children.
Early exposure to smartphones can impact attention spans, social skills, and sleep patterns. Without the proper maturity and guidance, children might also face risks like cyberbullying and exposure to inappropriate content. By postponing smartphone use, we can encourage healthier habits, stronger face-to-face interactions, and more outdoor play.
Thankfully as mentioned last term there is a wonderful group called The Phone Pledge which you can find on Facebook or Instagram. This page based in Echuca/Moama promotes a pledge called “Wait Mate” to delay giving your child a smartphone or social media until a certain age. Perhaps rather than parents worrying about giving in to the smartphone we can work together to help children in our area.
For those wondering how this works once ten families in your school’s year group have pledged, you will be notified that the pledge is in effect. Then Wait Mate will connect you with fellow parents from your students' year level who have pledged, via email.
I look forward to joining with and hearing from other families. I look forward to sharing more information about this throughout the year!
Sam Richardson