

Last week the Year 3/4 & 5/6 families participated in a Parent Information Evening called “Tricky Talks” presented by Interrelate. The topics for the evening were relationships, where did I come from and puberty, presented in a way that supports our students' understanding of the changes that they will and are facing with their friendships, families and growing bodies. It was a really positive experience for all involved and it was not only presented in a way that reflects the Catholic ethos of our school, but it also aligned with the Victorian Curriculum. Over the next 3 weeks the Year 5/6 students will continue to work with Interrelate and their teachers to further develop their understandings. Thank-you to all of the students and families who were able to join us for these very important sessions of critical learning and great discussions.

National Week of Action Against Bullying

This week at St John’s will see our students participating in the National Week of Action Against Bullying. Every class will complete a variety of learning activities that support this year’s theme of Everyone Belongs. 


The whole school focus will be the same and the teachers will be following the same learning intentions and success criteria across all grades.


Learning Intention: 

We are learning to develop our understanding of belonging and how connection is a powerful protection against bullying.


Success Criteria: 

I can define the term belonging.

I can explain places & people where I belong.

I can understand how I can include others to make them feel like they belong.

I can navigate respectful relationships and my role in them.

I can define the term bullying.

I can understand how I can be a superhero and take a stand against bullying.

Superhero Friday

To finish off the week and celebrate all of our learning, on Friday,16 August, we are inviting all students to come dressed up as their favourite superhero to take a stand against bullying. You may wish to just wear a cape or a mask over your uniform or the full superhero outfit.


We invite every member of our school community to join us in this important cause. By working together, we can create a culture where everyone feels valued and empowered. Let's stand strong against bullying and build a brighter, more compassionate future for all at St John’s.

Bullying No Way: National week of action

This year St John's Mitcham is participating in the Bullying No Way: National week of action, 12 to 16 August 2024.

Bullying No Way Week is a commitment being made by thousands of schools and supporters across the country. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to bullying prevention. It gives us an opportunity to connect with students, staff and school communities to implement workable solutions to prevent bullying. 

The new hero colour for the campaign is purple – symbolising peace, strength and empowerment to take a stand against bullying behaviour.

The theme for this year's campaign is Everyone belongs. This theme highlights the importance of creating a sense of belonging and inclusion for students. We recognise bullying often thrives in environments where individuals feel marginalised or excluded, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that every student feels valued and respected.

“Positive school climates that value diversity and inclusion can foster a sense of belonging and provide a protective factor against negative peer relationships and reduce bullying.” (Australian Education Research Organisation 2023).

For more information about Bullying No Way Week and bullying prevention, visit the Bullying No Way website.


During the week we will be engaging students in meaningful discussions and activities aimed at promoting empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity. We encourage parents and carers to take this opportunity to have open and honest conversations with their children about the impact of bullying and what they can do if they need support. You can visit the Bullying No Way website for tips around how to have this discussion.

You can access the school’s bullying prevention policy https://www.sjmitcham.catholic.edu.au/right/forms-polices/forms-policies

to learn more about our process for preventing and responding to bullying.

If you have concerns that your child is being bullied, please contact the school in the first instance. If you believe the behaviour constitutes a crime, or is a serious incident of cyberbullying, please refer to the Bullying No Way website for information on how to report to other authorities and access wellbeing help.

Bullying – important conversations to have with your child

By working collaboratively within our community, we can collectively help reduce bullying.

Parents and carers play an important role in helping your child understand bullying and know how to respond to it. If your child tells you about things at school, or you observe something in public that involves conflict or bullying, take the opportunity to talk about what bullying is. You can learn more about what defines bullying at bullyingnoway.gov.au.

Questions you could ask:

  • What do you think bullying is?
  • Have you seen it? How did you feel?
  • Have you ever felt scared at school because of bullying?
  • As well as me, who are the other adults you would talk to when it comes to things like bullying?
  • Have you or your friends left other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever tried to help someone who is being bullied? What happened? What would you do if it happens again?

Remind your child that bullying is never okay and discuss how they can respond safely if they experience or witness it.

Encourage them to seek help from a trusted adult and keep seeking support if needed.

By promoting open communication, we empower children to stand up against bullying and create a safer environment where everyone can feel that they belong.

For more information, visit bullyingnoway.gov.au.


Tracey Farrar (Wellbeing Leader)
