Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

I always enjoy dancing! Human bodies are naturally programmed for dance, as it is good for our health, happiness and relationships. Friday night was a huge success, as parents celebrated together as a community, for a night of fun, dancing and entertainment. It was great to put on the dancing shoes and join in with the parents and staff to share our dance moves. Our night of Disco Bingo was a remix of old and new dance tunes, where we had to name a tune and complete our bingo cards and then hit the dance floor. There were great prizes and a huge assortment of Silent Auction Prizes. I am very grateful to the Parent's Association for organising this fantastic event and especially to Julie Purcell as the main coordinator. 

At St John's we are proud of the many ways that we extend, challenge and engage our students in their learning. Over the past few years we have offered our Year 5 and 6 students the opportunity to compete in the Tournament of the Minds. Students work in teams of 7 to create a story and presentation around a given scenario, to solve authentic, open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking whilst developing collaboration and teamwork. Good luck to our Tournament of Minds teams who will be competing at Deakin University this Saturday afternoon. We hope you have fun and do well!


Congratulations to our Year 6 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday. This was the final step of initiation in their sacramental journey and their joy and enthusiasm shone through as they reverently knelt before the Bishop to be annointed with oil and receive a special blessing. Thank you, to all of the families and their sponsors who supported the students on the day also. Special thanks to Mrs Farrar, Mrs Bayliss, Mrs Qiu and Claudine and Mrs Buscema for helping to prepare the students and such a beautiful celebration on Saturday.

Literacy and Numeracy Professional Learning Day 

Today, Anna Hendy and Ange Crowe led the St John's Teachers and Learning Support Officers through a professional development day which focused on the Science of Learning and MACS Vision for Instruction, in relation to Literacy and Numeracy. 

They helped us unpack the research about the cognitive theory of learning and went through the cognitive principles about how students learn. We examined the elements of the explicit instruction sequence and where we observed each element in our teaching and learning practices at St John’s. They also led us through a process of self reflection on individual practices and discussed next steps and future learning. Various participation strategies were modelled to the staff which could then be utilised in the classroom to ensure that all learners are fully engaged in learning throughout the day. 

Overall, it was a positive and affirming day with the staff celebrating all of the great things that are already happening at St John’s, taking us further, initiating in depth discussion and stretching our professional knowledge.

St John's Art Show 

Save the Date - St John's Art Show, Friday, 13 September 2024

The students are busily preparing their art pieces to present at our Art Show later this Term. It will be a great showcase of their many talents, artistic skills and creativity. All parents, guardians and families will be invited to come along in the evening, on Friday, 13 September, so please save the date, as more details will follow soon.

Dr Justin Coulson at St John's Mitcham

We are delighted to be hosting a Parenting Seminar about Raising Children in a Digitial World with Dr Justin Coulson, in collaboration with Gloryland Kinder. 


Please join us on Thursday, 22 August for our Parenting Seminar which will focus on Raising children in a Digital World.

Registration is now open. 

Please book in using this link

Neighbours, family and friends are welcome to attend. It is guaranteed to be a very informative and entertaining evening.

Catholic Secondary College Enrolments

Current Year 5 Students

Any Year Five students who want to enroll at a Catholic Secondary College need to have their enrolment forms in soon. Enrolments close this Friday, 16 August. 

St John's is a direct feeder school to Our Lady of Sion College, Whitefriars College, Emmaus College and Aquinas College. If you need any support with this process please contact our school Office.

St John's Joke of the Week

What do you call a crocodile detective? An investi-gator!


Enjoy your week ahead and please let me know if there is anything that I can do to assist you or your family.


Verona Gridley
