Year 4 News

Freya and Macy list pro and cons for the Olympic Games

From Elly and Georgie, Year 4 teacher


We have been busy playing place value games like Tumbling Towers, Nasty Game and Wishball. 

Writing and Reading.

We have been creating amazing pieces using the Olympics as our inspiration. We imagined we were Olympic athletes and wrote all about our experiences as professional athletes. In reading, we have been summarising about the pros and cons of being the host country for an Olympic Games, it takes a lot to be a host country! 


4D shared how they felt about their first week back at school: 

Climbing to the top going back to the bottom getting a high score in wish ball was difficult as doing origami and finally I was the champion. By Ayhan H
I still feel like l’m on holiday because of how much fun school is. - Eva
Do you know the nastiest game in the whole galaxy? This is THE NASTY GAME! - by Felix
Immediately I see a l line build ahead of me. Suddenly I see all my friends form In front of me. By Isabel
Children wish for the Wishball championship to begin.  By Tahlia
As I step into the school ground the familiar sound of chartering kids washes over me, I am back at school at last. By Maya
Crouching carefully on the classroom carpet. The class waits for Kaajal, I look up at the timetable to see the most amazzzzing thing! I look to see. By Freya
Dong! The bell rang. At once I sprinted to the place where my class lines up, ready for a new lesson. By Evan
Tackling the tremendously hard Tumbling Towers made luck tremble into tiny, tiny smithereens for reaching top level ten. By Vincent 
The breeze reminds me all about what we did in year 4, I don't know why it feels so weird being back. By Jacob
Playing Wishball for minutes and minutes, wishing that I could be the champion. By Andy
The echo of the school bell chiming as my classmates formed a line immediately awaiting their teacher.  By Macy
As the menacing Vinnie jr had a roll, Felix came in like a swooping bird and instantaneously gave Oliver a very sad 0. By Oliver
The whistle blew, I ran up the line to get to the ball. I stopped for a breather.  By Orlando
Wish for a good wish to be the Wishball winning champion By Fahad
One of the best things about this week was the nasty game because it was so much fun but you don’t know which friend to turn on.  By Sophie
Thinking to get higher, nasty to make others lower, fun to play using hard thinking . By Xiaozhen
The gates open, semester 3 started with joy and confidence. By Kalila
Naughty friends naughty dice don’t know who to turn on. By Lucas
Art releases relaxation and reactivates a relaxing rhythm. By Charlotte
The thought of getting a low number creeps through the air, yes I got an eight, I look to the left and see that Felix got a nine me Vinnie jr and Oliver all went noooooo, my faith left had left me stranded. By Henry