Year 3 News

Lucinda and Nana Kerry

From Georgina, Year 3 teacher

 A history of NMPS

By Lucinda,  3C

On Tuesday me (Lucinda) and Nanna (Kerry) and I presented a project about the history of our school. We talked about the first school in North Melbourne and how our school used to have a creek going through it before the school was made. It was really fun, and we had a blast making it in the school holidays. 




By Victoria, Christina, Evie and Yvette 3C

We have been learning how to pronounce and write decimals. On Monday we converted fractions into decimals and wrote the decimal form. We also learned about decimal place value like tenths, hundredths and thousandths. We used whiteboards to convert the picture of a fraction into decimals. We then played a game called Decimal Race where we rolled a dice, shaded in our decimal and recorded our total. We have learnt a lot and are enjoying the challenge of decimal numbers.